What are my chances of making it into Purdue for CS?

I am going into my senior year now with a 3.1 uw gpa and 3.6 weighted gpa.
SAT: 1400 (definitely retaking to get higher)

AP Classes
Freshman - (none offered)
Sophomore - Ap Euro (1 of 2 offered)
Junior - AP Physics 1, AP Eng, AP Psych
Senior - AP Gov, AP Eng, AP Calc AB, AP Bio, AP Comp Science (All classes AP)
(All classes that weren’t AP were honors except for 2)

Only ECs were track sophomore year and Esports club (captain)

I’d really like to go to Purdue, but I don’t know if I’d be accepted with my lack of ECs and my low GPA.

CS is highly competitive at Purdue. It’s going to be a stretch with the GPA. If you are instate that will help.

Check out Purdue’s web pages…

This might only apply to transfer students, but I would expect it to be similar for incoming freshmen.

You would need a 3.5 minimum GPA for the College of Science (for the CS major):


You would need a 3.0 for IT at Purdue Polytech:


So your GPA is on the low side for CS. On the whole, Purdue accepts a decent percentage of applicants, though, so you might have a shot of you go in undeclared (“Exploratory Studies”) and do well enough to transfer in to the College of Science or go with IT as a backup. That would be risky, but there you have it.

FWIW, I think your ECs are on the weak side. Do you have any CS-related or IT-related ECs? Can you pick some up this summer and continue them into the fall?

Good luck!

Your 1400 or higher will be helpful. Get involved in some things you like.

Start a computer club or coding competition. Give proceeds to help someone get access to tech.

I dont know but there’s something out there for you.