Hi, I am a student at Florida southwestern state college. I would like to Transfer into the Finance or Accounting program at UF. My only concern is that when I was in high school and my first year in college, I was a horrible student.
I barely had a 2.0 in high school and my first year of college I failed every single class (about 3 F’s and one W) 
I have since retaken all the classes that I got an F in (Never retook the W) and have gotten an A or B in all of them.
My overall GPA is now above a 3.5 (probably going to be higher after grades come out this semester) and have since stepped up my game and focused way harder in school.
My question is will this look bad when trying to transfer into UF (Finance or Accounting to be exact)
I have gotten my GPA up since I decided to goof around my first year of college and none of the failed courses are pre-reqs, just some general courses.
Should I even bother applying?
I can’t address all of your questions but you should definitely make the attempt. I’m not even sure that admissions will care about your high school grades and if it is a concern, then you can address it in your essay/application. I would suggest talking to the counselors at your college about the process to apply as a transfer to UF. You will probably need to get your AA first. Sadly, I have heard that finance and accounting are very tough majors to transfer into at UF. You will need to pick a college to join – in this case, the college of business. Many students who didn’t do particularly well in high school have gone the “community college” route and then successfully transferred into UF, FSU, UCF, etc. You have shown that you belong and should definitely try.
You should also look at this link and see that the state university system has a place for you: https://www.fsw.edu/twoplustwo
"As a member of the Florida College System, Florida SouthWestern State College offers its students the benefits of articulation agreements established by the Florida Department of Education. Students graduating from FSW with an Associate in Arts (AA) degree are guaranteed by the state of Florida to “have the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree at a state university or Florida college offering four-year degrees.” This opportunity does not guarantee admission to limited access programs There are several amazing benefits for students who have elected to take part in the 2+2 program:
Affordable state college tuition while earning required general education courses
Guaranteed admission to FSW for students not meeting state university admissions requirements
A simple transition for completing a bachelor’s degree at a public university in Florida (i.e. Florida Gulf Coast Univeristy, Florida State University, University of Florida, full list can be found at: www.flbog.edu/aboutsus/universities"