Okay this might be a little long, but that’s because I want to provide as much information as possible. So I am about to go into my second year of JC and I apply to SFSU this fall for the Fall of 2018. I live in Los Angeles and my unweighted GPA is 2.89 (I know, I suck ://). My major is Cinema (non impacted, thank you lawd). This fall I am attending a total of three junior colleges just to apply to SFSU and I hope this shows my commitment to attending the school despite my average gpa.
I have been searching the SFSU website extensively so I can find what the minumum gpa is for non local students who are looking to transfer into the Cinema program but I cannot find anything. The closest thing I’ve found is a transfer profile on collegetransfer.net stating that the minimum gpa for “non-residents” is 2.4 (I will provide a link for this in the bottom). According to the San Jose State University Admissions site, the minimum gpa to tranfer to their film program is 2.4, so I’m hoping that might go for SFSU as well.
Anyway, any insight or advice on my problem will be very much appreciated!! Thanks <3
I recommend you send a note to the admissions office and inquire. I’m not sure there will be info out there on GPA for a specific major.
Do you recommend I email them? Thanks for your comment btw!
Yes, email. As I said, that kind of information is difficult to find on the web. In your email you might ask whether they accept by major and what criteria other than GPA they use. For example, do they take into account what courses you have taken toward their GE requirements? Good luck.