<p>hi im at student at SMC and i plan on transferring as a junior to a 4 year university.. what are my chances of getting into UCLA, USC, NYU, UCI, and UCSB with a gpa of 3.37 and 1 W and 1 repeat(i failed statistics the 1st time but got a C the 2nd time..), so what are my chances to each school?</p>
<p>what are your ec’s? what are your hs stats?</p>
<p>while the F may not factor into your gpa, it will show up on your transcript…usc, ucla, and nyu seem to be out of reach, uci and ucsb you may have a better shot at</p>
<p>no ec’s and im transferring as a junior with 60 units so hs stats doesn’t matter… plus my counseler said that ec’s hardly matter in this case… so u dont think i have a chance at nyu usc or ucla?</p>
<p>ummm…what? this is why counselors get such a bad wrap on here</p>
<p>i dont know if you are a CA resident applying to xfer to a state school, but outside of this ec’s are usually a very important factor in admissions. in addition, despite popular misconceptions, hs stats for junior applicants do matter if the school requires that you send them. they would not require you to send your hs stats if they didnt intend on looking at them and they wouldnt look at them if they didnt hold weight in your decision. however, the importance of hs stats is usually very minimal for junior applicants</p>
<p>if you are a CA resident that attends a cali CC, check to see if your school has an articulation agreement with usc or ucla. otherwise, a 3.37 from a community college without any EC’s is not going to really even be close for nyu cas, usc or ucla</p>
<p>EC’s definitely matter especially if it’s work experience or a club leadership role for your university.</p>
<p>SMC (it’s a CCC for those who don’t know) has a TAP with UCLA so you should definitely look into that to increase your chances. Additionally, USC provides an articulation for SMC, you should look into that as well.</p>
<p>Regardless, you should work on improving your GPA. For the UCs, your ECs have minimal weight in comparison to your GPA/completion of pre-reqs. Focus on getting the high grades first. However, joining your school’s PTK and/or AGS chapter wouldn’t hurt.</p>
<p>If you bump up that GPA a bit, get TAP certified, write “acceptable” personal statements, and don’t apply for the most competitive majors (i.e. Biz Econ at UCLA) than you definitely have a shot UCLA, UCSB and UCI. You may also have a shot at USC, this, however, also depends on your major.</p>
<p>how about if my major is sociology? also my counseler at smc said that EC’s only help if you do an immense amount… joining clubs or whatever doesnt really even matter she said… is that true?</p>