<p>i am a freshman at NYU College of Arts and sciences and my first semester gpa was 3.5 (i know, not that great). i went to an extremely competitive high school, ranked top 5 nationally, and my average was a only a 91 but i took 6 difficult AP's (not the easier ones like environmental and music theory etc, etc). my sat's are 1450. i was the president of a club and yearbook editor. in college i have maintained a full time semester and part time job demanding almost 24 hours per week. i also have an internship right now. what are my chances at columbia, barnard, brown, penn, georgetown, and uva?</p>
<p>by the way i am a national merit finalist with a full scholarship at nyu. so that is what i am giving up to pay what will likely be a full tuition at another school</p>