<p>I am an international IB student predict all 6/7's throughout my subjects. I have an art scholarship, I got 4a* and 6A's on my IGCSE exams. I am a good athlete but not top. I want to apply for an engineering major. I did my first SAT practice test without much studying and got 800 in critical reading, 750 in math and 710 in writing (2220 in total). In my second test i got 2290, I am going to do SAT subject tests in physics and maths hoping for 750+. And I am an american citizen but not resident if that helps. I am doing the full IB diploma - my HL subjects are Physics, English and Economics - My SL subjects are Maths, French and Chemistry. . My equivalent to service projects is CAS (creativity, action and service) I am participating in many activities a week such as science club, tennis, programming club, community service, debating society and I went to china for a week and helped the local community by cleaning up the beach and doing other things like that. Hopefully that gives you more perspective on my extra-curriculars. Oh yeah and I am from Iran but live in Hong Kong and previously lived in the UK.</p>
<p>My university list is: (all subject to change)</p>
Carnegie Mellon
University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor </p>
<p>What are my chances?</p>
<p>Thank you for taking the time to read!</p>