What are my chances? RD/test optional student

I’m a filipino/white female from Northern VA. My intended path would be Pre-PT so I guess I’d be applying to the Milken school.

GPA: 4.15 weighted, my school does not calculate unweighted
I’ve taken 7 AP’s, 9 honors classes, and 1 DE class, my transcript is mainly A’s with more B’s during my junior and senior year due to more rigorous schedule.

EC’s: Head Online Editor of school newspaper, Girl Scout, NHS and FHS, Ballet Company, Internship at physical therapy center.
Note: These are my main EC’s, I will be listing the minor ones on my resume.
Awards: Not much, mainly just Silver Award for GS, honor roll and NHS.

Essay: I talk about ballet, mainly how I started at a late age and danced with much younger girls and how it helped push me to try harder.
Supplemental: I talk about how I think undervalued physical therapists are in third world countries and what I have done to pursue this profession.

Obviously GWU is my reach school and I understand my chances are slim. Please let me know what I can do to maybe improve my application.