What are my chances? Should I do engineering?

UCs - UCLA, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, UC Irvine
Privates - USC, Pepperdine, Harvey Mudd College, Cornell, Northwestern, Johns Hopkins, Rice</p>

<p>Since I am a female, would applying as a engineering major help or hurt me? I know it is super competitive, so for UCLA and Berkeley I am planning on just putting undecided physical science major, since they do not really let you in on your alternate major. But for UCSD, UCI, and USC I am doing engineering for sure, since you can still get in with an alternate major choice. What should I do for my other privates? I'm an Asian female senior from California.</p>

-Unweighted GPA:

<p>-Weighted GPA:

<p>-UC GPA:

Math - Algebra II Honors, Pre-calculus/Calculus A Honors, AP Calculus BC, Calculus D Honors (taking next semester)
Science - Chemistry Honors, AP Chemistry, AP Physics B (currently taking)
English - English 10 Honors, AP English Language, AP English Literature (currently taking)
Social science - US History Honors, AP Comparative Government/Politics (curently taking)</p>

<p>-class rank/size:
school does not rank
size: approx. 900</p>

<p>-SAT/ACT scores:
SAT - C/R 660, Math 750, W 690, Composite 2100
ACT - Eng 36, Math 34, Reading 32, Science 27, Composite 32 (retaking in Dec)
SAT II Math - 800
SAT II Chemistry - 690 (retaking in Dec)
SAT II Literature - 580 (I know it's terrible, retaking in Dec)</p>

<p>-AP scores:
Calculus BC - 5
Calculus AB subscore - 5
Chemistry - 5
English Language - 4</p>

Orchestra - section leader (string bass), officer (librarian), grade 9-12
Volunteer at hospital - discharge patients, file papers, 3 hrs every other wk, grade 9-12
Church music team - I play the violin at my church accompanying the piano for hymnal worship service, grade 8-12
Christian club at school - grade 9-12
Science Olympiad - grade 11-12
Auxiliary guard - dance and spin flags/weapons with marching band, grade 9-10
Student Government - Senior Class Girls Relations, this automatically put me as co-chair of our school's orientation committee and mascot committee, grade 12
Music Mentors - we go to middle schools and help students improve on their musicianship, grade 12</p>

AP Scholar
PSAT Commended Student
National Honor Society</p>

<p>I would think it helps to put engineering for UCLA/UCB. I know someone who got into UCLA with much lower GPA and SAT scores than her peers. So I think it’s a good idea as long as you have the Math SAT scores to back it up that it is one of your interest.</p>

<p>Your overall strong math scores shouldn’t make getting into engineering that much harder. Also, transferring into engineering once you’ve been accepted can be pretty tough, I don’t think you need to risk it, considering your scores and the fact that you’re in state.</p>

<p>I think you are in at all the UC’s except maybe UCLA and UCB, depends on what major i think… </p>

<p>Privies are alittle high reaches, unless you get a good second SAT II score and bring up that CR score to 700+. But you have good shot at pepperdine and USC</p>

<p>Would it really be easier for me to get in for Engineering @ UCLA/UCB? Especially at UCB. Isn’t it tough to get in for Engineering? And you have to write about why you want to do Engineering in your personal statements, and I don’t think I can write a whole essay on it. I’m not 100% I’m going down the Engineering path anyway; I know it’ll be easier to get out of eventually than get in, but my first priority is getting in the school!</p>

<p>rice and jhu will be tough, but i think you’re in at all. </p>

<p>chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/603590-i-just-found-out-i-f-d-up-last-thread-damn.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Also do I have a chance at any scholarships for USC?</p>


<p>If you’re interested in the East coast, you should consider Georgia Institute of Technology. </p>

<p>P.S. Do you have a specific engineering major in mind?</p>


<p>and I was thinking maybe Chemical or Biomedical Engineering.</p>


<p>b u m p p p p p</p>

<p>I think you should make pretty much all of the UC schools, but you’ve got some more difficult private schools Cornell and Johns Hopkins Im unsure about. A little higher test scores could get you into everything!</p>

<p>Chance back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/605371-chance-me-these-schools-please.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/605371-chance-me-these-schools-please.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>as for HMC:
Applying as a female engineer will help. However, given your stats I’m not sure you’ll get in.</p>

<p>Judgement coming from an HMC engineering senior.</p>

<p>“Would it really be easier for me to get in for Engineering @ UCLA/UCB? Especially at UCB. Isn’t it tough to get in for Engineering? And you have to write about why you want to do Engineering in your personal statements, and I don’t think I can write a whole essay on it. I’m not 100% I’m going down the Engineering path anyway; I know it’ll be easier to get out of eventually than get in, but my first priority is getting in the school!”</p>

<p>you have to write an essay on engineering?? what!?</p>

<p>i have same stats (only thing is that i have a 3.85 GPA and im in the top 4% of my class) and im applying to Rice for engineering too! Good Luck! Did you show interest?</p>

<p>If you’re doing Chemistry or Engineering for Berkeley, it says:</p>

<p>What if I am applying to a professional school or college (such as the Colleges of Engineering or Chemistry)?</p>

<p>If you are applying to a professional school or college, it is important that you discuss your intended field of study in your personal statement. Describe not only your interest in your specific major, but also any school or work-related experiences.</p>

<p>And I haven’t really done anything for Rice except go see the admissions counselor when she came to my school. I’m actually only applying because I got a fee waiver from Collegeboard :)</p>

<p>BUMPPP new chem & lit scores:
chem: 730
lit: 680
woohoo, improvement. lol</p>