I currently attend highschool in Brooklyn (Midwood highschool)</p>
<p>My sat's are 1920 (730 math) (540 reading) (650 writing) 10 essay</p>
<p>I got a 3 on ap stats.</p>
<p>I have many extra activities like 4 years of track (qualifying for states) and am new york city ranked top 10 for cross country.
Over 200 hours of volunteer.
worked as a lifeguard all summer this past summer on the beach
participated in walks for cancer
participated in a national physics bowl</p>
<p>What are my chances to university of binghamton or other suny's? </p>
<p>My gpa right now is 95.08% and i will be applying early.</p>
<p>Thanks to everyone that will answer!!!</p>
<p>Your odds are very good.
Come back here to post when you have your results!</p>
<p>You’re much better than I am and I am applying early as well</p>
<p>Geneseo would also be an excellent choice for you.</p>
<p>You don’t think binghamton would be? MYOS1634</p>
<p>What are you thinking of majoring in?</p>
<p>Not sure yet, i would apply for liberal arts. Maybe pre-med</p>
<p>Would i be good to get in? Is it a reach for me or target?</p>
<p>Target, almost safety! And Geneseo is a target (a good match) for you.
What other colleges do you like?</p>
<p>Not sure. I think i will look only at Suny because of price issue and parent income :(</p>
<p>I can look at private because those tuition prices blow me away haha so for now bing and geneseo and albany honors</p>