What are my chances to get into a UC?

<p>I applied to all the UC's for undergrad major in Biology.
I had all B's freshman year. Almost all A's sophomore year. All C's and one D junior year (D was in precalc honors. took regular precalc during the summer after i was healed and i got an A. Does that help?) And I am on track for only 1 B senior year. My UC GPA is like 3.45. My SAT is 1990. I have 250+ community service hours. I had a good reason for not doing well my junior year (I was diagnosed with a mild form of a relatively new autoimmune disease (not AID's) and I was being treated). I have one year of a sport and two years of a job. I won a national merit scholar award thing and gold seal on my diploma for STAR tests. I have one year of leadership as officer o a club.
Which UC schools might accept me, especially considering the D?
It kinda sucks because if i hadn't been afflicted by the disease then I would have most likely had straight A's and that would have gave me around a 3.7 or 3.8. Should I like send a letter to the UC schools telling them that? I put it in my application under "additional information"</p>