What are my chances to get into Purdue Civil Engineering?

I’m a junior from out of state and I’m interested in Civil Engineering

My SAT score is my only really weak point with a 1290: 690 in math and 600 I’m english but I will be trying to improve it…

I have a 4.0 GPA with all honors/AP

AP Classes taken/will take by end of high school:
AP World
AP Lang
AP Calc BC
AP Italian
AP Physics C

I also have done many hours of community service.

I am a member of Key Club and Patriots Club which both help the community around me.

I’m a member of 3 honor societies: Math, Language, and National.

Throughout high school I have also taken 3 college level engineering courses and other college level electives plus physics.

I also have a job working for a test prep company as an assistant. And I also am a counselor at a sleepaway camp.

Please let me know what you think my chances are for next year.

Purdue admits to a common first year engineering program, not directly into your major. You will need to get your SAT score up to be competitive.

From the Purdue Office of Future Engineers:

Students admitted to the College of Engineering for Fall 2017 had an average combined SAT in the middle 50% range of 1350-1470. Of the students that enrolled, 50% had a GPA between a 3.94-4.0, and an ACT Composite of 30-34.

Note that was from 2017. It’s getting more competitive.

I would agree that focusing on your SAT score would be beneficial to improve your admission chances. GPAs without clarification of weighting is a bit difficult to interpret. With a D as a sophomore in engineering, and having spent a fair bit of time researching, I’m skeptical that 75% of the class had a 3.94+ unweighted GPA. If “a 4.0 GPA”" truly means a 4.0 unweighted GPA - all A’s in every class since Freshman year, you’re in a very good position there

The coursework looks relatively solid, but, to be honest, being a “member” of a bunch of clubs doesn’t really do much. Try to get a meaningful leadership role in at least one of them. Focus and leadership is better than breadth and membership.

As is, I’d say you’d have a fair chance - not bad, not outstanding. SAT to at least 1350 and president of a meaningful club would put you in a much better position.

@RichInPitt yes, my average unweighted is a 4.0, and I will be president of a community service club next year. Also with my SAT I have tried to get it up, but no success, I’m going to retake it again.

Have you tried the ACT yet? Some students do better with that format. It might be worth taking a practice test.

@momofsenior1 I have, and I prefer the SAT, but I will be trying it again.

You need to get your SAT up to 1400 to have a good shot.