What are my chances to make it into Vanderbilt and the following schools?

<p>Weighted GPA: 4.52
Unweighted GPA: 3.85</p>

<p>10 AP's:
AP English and Comp (4)
AP Euro (4)
AP Calc AB
AP US History
AP Bio
AP Physics 2
AP English and Lit
AP Gov. and Econ
AP Calc BC
AP Spanish</p>

<p>Full IB Diploma candidate, which comes with its own set of difficult IB classes and tests...</p>

<p>SAT score: 2300 (Math: 800, Writing: 800, Cr: 700)</p>

<p>SAT 2 scores: Chem (750), Bio E (780), Math 2 (790)</p>

Tennis for 4 years: (1 jv, 3 varsity)
About 4 clubs, but most are too insignificant to mention
Doctor Shadowing of an optometrist (2 months)
Internship at a dentist (2 months)
Old age home volunteering (100+ hours)
Clinical/Biomedical research with the Armenian Eye Care project - traveled to Armenia for about 2 weeks
(Not sure if it counts but....) 150 hours of CAS service for the IB program where I started my own tennis camp and help under privileged local kids learn the fundamental strokes of tennis for free</p>

<p>I'm an Armenian (white... according to the government) junior male who lives in So. Cal. and would like to know what are my chances of making into the following schools w/ a Bioengineering Major (or Bio-Chem major for schools that don't have a Bioengineering program)</p>

John Hopkins
Carnegie Mellon
U Penn</p>

Univ of Virginia
UC Berkley
Case Western

UC Davis</p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!! (for those who already saw my post... sorry but I did it again mainly cause the first time the board was saturated with so many other discussions mine got kinda lost)</p>

<p>Vanderbilt: Reach (high match if ED)
JHU: High match
Dartmouth: Reach
Cornell: Reach
CMU: Reach
UPenn: Reach
RPI: Low match
U Rochester: Match
Colgate: Match
NYU: Match
UVA: Match
UCLA: Match
USC: Match
UCSD: Low match/Match
Berkeley: Match
Case Western: Low match
Oberlin: Match
Brandeis: Low match/Match
UCI: Safety
UCR: Safety
UCD: Safety</p>

<p>May want to cut a few matches…</p>

<p>Your uwGPA is a little bit low for top schools. What is your class rank?</p>

<p>@billcsho My school doesn’t provide a class rank… but if i were to guess i would say about top 5 maybe 7%</p>


<p>Hey! I’m Armenian too (from east coast though haha)
I think you should try cutting out some of these schools mainly because it would be crazy to apply to so many. Like nobody wants to write this many supplements or pay that much for application fees. Try narrowing your list down to 10-12 schools TOTAL. </p>

<p>Vanderbilt- low reach
John Hopkins - reach
Dartmouth - reach
Cornell - low-ish reach
Carnegie Mellon - high match
U Penn - reach</p>

<p>Rensselaer- match
Rochester - match
Colgate (dont know much about it sorry)
Univ of Virginia- low match
UCLA-high reach
USC - assuming this is southern california not south carolina, a high match
UCSD - mid match
UC Berkley - high reach
Case Western (never heard of it sorry)
Oberlin- match
Brandeis - low match </p>

<p>Well these are your safetys so you should be fine with these…
UC Davis</p>

<p>Actually, I don’t think any of these schools are a big reach for you. If you applied to all of them I’m guessing you would get rejected by no more than two or three (figuring out which two or three is the tricky part).</p>

<p>Oh please, don’t listen to billcsho. Your GPA is amazing </p>

UPDATE: I got into Vanderbilt ED1. I’m very happy and excited for next year. I just wanted to update my post not for bragging but more for the future applicants so they can gauge themselves a little better. I learned from this entire process that there is no formula to college acceptance. A good portion of it is luck. Good luck to all of the future applicants.

I honestly think you can get into any of them with some risk for CMU, Dartmouth and Cornell. Otherwise I would say you’re good!

Chance me for a chance back please!