What are my chances to transfer to university of miami as a transfer student?

im a freshman at Rutgers university (NJ) and I did not apply to UM when I was in high school. I am a psychology major
and have lots of volunteering and work for my EC’s as well as clubs in college.
I did well in High School (3.8 gpa).
The only problem is my current gpa is a 2.5. I know this is terrible but I’m doing so bad here because I’ve had such a bad experience that its messed with how I’m doing in my classes. I put this in my commonapp essay and I know that the chances are slim but this is the only school I truly love and I’m really praying and want some other people’s feedback :frowning:

In my opinion, saying that you didn’t like the time at the school is not an excuse to get a 2.5 GPA. I hope you get in, but remember, YOU chose Rutgers for college. It’s not the school’s fault you had a bad time. Unless you had like a family member die or someone in your family got a disease, it’s completely your choice how your experience at college goes. I think it is very unlikely, to be honest.

Agree with @ab2002

thanks for the feedback. I rather not say my personal reasons but they don’t have to do with me having a “bad time” at school. my grades are going to ruin any shot I have at going to a good school. I have no idea where to transfer to and I’m really stuck. any school suggestions preferably south and medium to small are greatly appreciated.

@hopelesstrnsfr You do have a few choices. Either stick it out for another year at Rutgers and raise your GPA so you can transfer to a school like UM as a junior, or go to junior college for a year to accomplish the same goal, or you can transfer to a less selective college right now. If you are looking for a school that is academically comparable to Rutgers that wants a 2.5 GPA transfer student then I don’t know what to tell you.

Since you’re only a freshman I think you should just stay at Rutgers another year and focus on bringing your GPA up. If you do well sophomore year you can probably bring your cume to like a 3.3 then maybe you’ll have a slight shot