What Are My Chances- UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, UCI

ACT: 34 Composite. 35 English, 35 Math, 33 Reading, 34 Science. 9/12 Essay.
Math Subject II- 780

UC GPA (10th and 11th Grade): 4.39 Weighted

AP Scores:
Biology- 3, Chemistry- 3, APUSH- 4, Calc AB- 4, Calc BC- 5, Chinese- 5, Psychology- 5.

Junior Year Courses:
AP Psychology: two A’s
AP Computer Science Principles: two A’s
AP Calculus BC: two A’s
AP US History: two A’s
Honors Chemistry: two A’s
AP Chemistry: one A one B
Honors American Literature: one A one B

5 AP’s, Ended with 2 B’s

Sophomore Year Courses:
Honors Pre-Calculus: two B’s
AP Calculus AB: two A’s
AP Chinese: two A’s
Regular World History: two A’s
Honors Humanities: two A’s
Honors Biology: one A one B
AP Biology: two A’s

3 AP’s, Ended with 3 B’s

Freshman Year Courses:
Regular Chemistry: two A’s
Regular Sociology: two A’s
Regular Drawing and Painting: two A’s
Regular Chinese 5-6: two A’s
Regular Algebra II: one A one B
Regular Physics:one C, dropped
Honors English: one A one B

0 AP’s, Ended with 2 B’s 1 C

Senior Year Courseload:
Civics/Economics + AP Government
Honors Statistcs + AP Statistics
AP Human Geography
Regular Expository Writing

Activities and Awards:

Track and Field
Com­peted in long jump and triple jump, reg­u­larly plac­ing top 3. Prac­ticed every week­day. Did pre­sea­son train­ing in prepa­ra­tion for the up­com­ing sea­son each year. 9th 10th 11th

Key Club (300+ community service hours)
Vol­un­teered at food banks, clean-ups + var­i­ous other pro­jects. Held fundrais­ers for char­i­ties. Grew my Key Club to largest in Di­vi­sion 37S when I was Pres­i­dent. 9th 10th 11th 12th

President of Key Club
Presided over all meet­ings, per­formed club ad­min­is­tra­tion, trained of­fi­cers, del­e­gated tasks, planned all big pro­jects/events. Li­ai­son be­tween club and di­vi­sion. 10th 11th

Sophomore Director of Key Club
Ful­filled tasks from the Exec Board. Recruited and en­cour­aged sopho­mores to join and vol­un­teer. Co­or­di­nated events, man­aged lo­gis­tics, sent out event emails. 9th 10th

Lieutenant Governor of Division
Su­per­in­tended Di­vi­sion’s 9 Key Clubs. Wrote bi-weekly re­ports to the Cali-Nev-Ha dis­trict. Held 5 large train­ing con­fer­ences. Part of a 3-state com­mit­tee.11th 12th

Student Leader at Church
Stu­dent lead­er­ship would meet once a week and lead­ers were given du­ties (i.e. con­duct­ing ice­break­ers, wel­com­ing new mem­bers) to carry out at church each Sun­day. 9th 10th 11th 12th

Worship Team at Church
Vol­un­teered to be part of the wor­ship ser­vice at my church as vo­cals. Prac­ticed with the team every Sat­ur­day night. Prac­ticed and per­formed on Sun­day morn­ings. 9th 10th 11th 12th

Cali-Nev-Ha Kiwanis
Ki­wa­nis spon­sors Key Club, of which is one of their con­stituents. Met with Ki­wa­ni­ans 2-3 times a month to: plan events/fundrais­ers, dis­cuss fi­nances, vol­un­teer.

Calculus AB Tutoring
Be­gin­ning Jan­u­ary of 2017, I ded­i­cated 2 of my lunches per week to tu­tor­ing stu­dents, 1 on 1, in AP Cal­cu­lus AB to help out my Cal­cu­lus BC teacher. 11th

Work Experience
Kumon - Assistant Instructor
In­structed stu­dents (in­clud­ing those w/ spe­cial needs) in K-12 read­ing + math (up to Cal­cu­lus). An­a­lyzed progress. Com­pleted com­pu­ta­tional + sec­re­tar­ial tasks. 10th 11th 12th 08/2015 - present

Mathnasium - Center Instructor
Pro­vided per­sonal, ef­fec­tive, con­cise math in­struc­tion. Graded stu­dents’ work. Tracked + re­ported the progress of each stu­dent. Com­pleted ad­min­is­tra­tive tasks. 08/2017 - present

Scholar Athlete (Awarded to ju­niors and se­niors who have demon­strated ath­letic and aca­d­e­mic ex­cel­lence. Re­quired to have a 3.5+ GPA. Must have done a sport for 2 or more years.)
NMSQT Scholar (hopefully?) I got a 1500/1520 on my PSAT, so that should qualify me.

Resides in California
Two-Parent Family; Parental Income: $150,000+ combined

None really, besides noticeable academic improvement throughout the years (much harder classes each year but better grades)

Please let me know if, based on your judgment, Berkeley (IN PARTICULAR BC THATS MY DREAM SCHOOL), UCLA, UCSB, UCI are reaches, targets, etc. Also, any other recommendations of what schools I should apply to given my stats and extracurriculars would be amazing! I’m looking to apply to a couple privates.