What are my chances? UCB, UCLA, UCSD, etc

I understand that you all can’t say, “Yes you’re in,” or, “No, you’re not.” I am just looking to see if I am a competitive applicant for UCSD, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, and USC. And yes, what you read is 100% true.

•3.7 UW GPA. (4 AP’s, 3 Honors) (GPA is lower because of me focusing on the business I mention below)
32 ACT

•EC: Over 200 hours of community service (tutoring unprivileged kids)

•And finally the kicker, running an online business / service which has brought in 6 figures over the last year and a half. I also have made good money from investing the money I have made.

I could list many other things such as coming from a struggling family, single parent, many other EC’s, etc. Just wanna see what you all say from this information.

What is your UC capped weighted and fully weighted GPA? https://rogerhub.com/gpa-calculator-uc/

Intended major, Business? You do realize that only UCR, UCB and UCI have actual Business schools with Business majors?

Also if you made that kind of money from your Business, you will receive little to no financial aid so can you fully fund 4 years at a UC? Are you a California resident?

assuming your UCGPA is around 4.0, UCR us probably your best shot UC as a Biz major. Due to your story, UCI could happen - UCB, probably not. SDSU and CSULB both have good programs as well.
Good luck