what are my chances? vassar, NYU, barnard, reed

I’m a junior so maybe this isn’t enough info to go off of but…

GPA: straight As with 2 A- this semester pretty similar for the rest of highschoool except for like 1 B a year sorry im too lazy to calculate
ACT: 29, but i plan to retake probably do better and i did get a perfect on writing so who knows
Classes: I do IBX, so the IB program in full but 1 year early so i’ll have my diploma by the end of this year. so far I’ve gotten a 6 in Bio SL and a 5 in math SL, and this spring i’m testing in HL psych, lit, history, and SL japansese
Extracurriculars: i have done harp for 7 years, participated in an ensemble of harpists, president and founder of feminism club at my school, in policy debate all throughout hs but not any substantial awards, I used to be a volunteer arts reveiwer for teen tix, a local arts nonprofit, but the program i was working with got cut, volunteered as a jury member on 2 different film festivals, and this year i was Jury coordinater for the north west children’s film fest. Did various art workshops and I’m doing a 5 week intensive for portfolio development this summer
Work experience:none
I’m pretty serious about art and plan to submit a portfolio with my applicaton