What are my chances without taking physics to get into VT GE?!?!

<p>Please help me :( what are my chances of getting into vt...</p>

<p>So I am applying regular decision to general engineering to Virginia tech
Intended major: computer science </p>

From: Rhode Island
(Only 2 applicants attended Virginia tech last year from Rhode Island)
Taken 7 honors classes
2 AP's: Calculus and Spanish (receiving A's in both)
I have an upward trend from freshman year to senior year (a large upward trend course-wise)
GPA: 3.53 out of 4 (unweighted)
Sat math: 680
Sat critical reading: 500
Sat writing: 560
Total: 1740/2400</p>

<p>Cr+math= 1180/1600
I haven't taken physics but I have taken
Earth science
And along with
AP calculus
I have over 60 hours of community service, have worked at the same grocery market for 2 years
Started my own auto detailing business
Won a Bryant business challenge
Treasurer of business club
freshman football
track and field all 4 years
Writing my personal statements on:
1. Rise and fall from coping with my brothers death along with breaking free from the expectation of taking over my fathers family business into intending on going to college for computer science and explaining how now in senior year in my rise I am also teaching myself computer programming languages such as C++ and python
2. Doing a creative peice that inspired me on my moms cake and how I use to love her cakes but ate them so much I hate cake now and it has become part of me because I don't like desserts except I miss her cakes because ever since she got cancer she doesn't make them anymore (she use to be a professional wedding cake baker)
3. Why I want to be a hokie and including that my friend just got accepted as a hokie and how I need to accompany him at VT so that we can finish an application that we are creating and showing that I have background reasons on why I need to go to vt. </p>

<p>Sorry for saying so much I just need to know I'm so worried, will not have taken physics screw me in my chances or do I have a chance?!?! :( please help</p>

<p>Out of state might help, but I’m confident that you will at least get your second choice major. Put University Studies as your second choice and then you try and transfer to Engineering in a couple semesters.</p>

<p>Alright thanks will do, you’ve been a big help hornet you’re the only one answering our forums, I’m just worried about not have taken physics ughh such a mistake</p>

<p>I am the hero this forum deserves, but not the one it needs</p>

<p>If you know anyone else on these forums that could help I would appreciate it! Haha</p>

<p>This link provides data on enrolled students for every major. </p>

<p>[Admissions</a> | Institutional Research & Effectiveness Home | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html]Admissions”>http://www.ir.vt.edu/work_we_do/demo_enroll/admission/studentAdmission.html)</p>

<p>Oh sweet thanks, do you know what classes are required for the school of engineering?</p>

<p>I’d say you will not get Engineering as your first choice, but maybe University Studies. You can change your major to Engineering once/if the requirements are met, usually as a Sophmore at Tech. Please see my post from 12/5 titled “University Studies to Engineering//Upcoming Change in Requirement”. There are links in my post that will help you understand the process of changing majors into engineering once a student at Tech. It will also take you to a page that will allow you to learn more about the courses a freshman engineering students (or University Studies major planning on switching) will need to take. If you do a key word search on ‘engineering’ for this VT forum board you will get a HUGE amount of helpful information from many questions and answers that are very similar to yours. Make sure to browse the more recent posts though as information from several years back may no longer be accurate. </p>

<p>Getting into Engineering as an incoming freshman is very competative and I see students getting in with at least a 4.0 GPA and very strong SAT’s (650+ in each area). VT has also implemented a change for internal change of major to engineering more difficult - used to be a 2.0 overall at VT was needed. Incoming freshman beginning next summer will need a 3.0 to change their major into engineering. </p>

<p>Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>Hey thank you that’s exactly what I needed, but do you mean a GPA of 4.0 on a 5 scale? Because my GPA on a 5 scale is a 4.41 and from the information that Bennie provided, my sat score for math is on the high end of the 75th percentile while my others are on the low end but still do-able scores, I am going to go visit the key word search “engineering” that will probably be very helpful! Thank you</p>

<p>I believe the GPA is on a 4.5 weighted scale. From what I’ve heard Tech usually looks for a 650 in math and a 600 in CR for Engineers, but these are not hard requirements (I got in Early Decision with a 580 in CR. 700 in Math). I believe taking Physics is a requirement for Engineering so that might set you back, so I think you are likely to get in to your second choice major and be able to transfer to Engineering if you decide you still want to go to VT.</p>