What are my chances?

<p>I know what everyone is always asking what are their chances of getting into particular schools. Although each applicant's case is individual and unique I was just curious as to what you all thought my chances are.</p>

<p>About me:
Ethnicity: African-American (Nigerian specifically)
Gender: Female
GPA: Unweighted: 3.4733
GPA: Weighted: 4.1198
Grades: Mostly As and Bs</p>

<p>SAT Scores:
Critical Reading: 610
Writing: 640 (essay: 12)
Math: 680</p>

<p>SAT II Scores:
Math II: 610
U.S. History: 680</p>

<p>APs Already Taken:
AP US History
AP English Lang&Comp</p>

<p>APs Currently Taking:
AP Statistics
AP Psychology
AP Calc AB</p>

<p>All other classes: Honors and Adv. Honors</p>

<p>More About me:
-Peer Counselor
-Co-Editor-in-Chief of my school's student run magazine for past 2 years
-Co-President of Club Council (sub-division of student council)
-Founding Member of student run mentoring program for at-risk Black students at my school (community service)
-Teen Reporter for Teen Diaries Online.com (Teen</a> Diaries Blog)
-Member of school's Girl's JV Tennis team for 3 years
-Radio Show host Contributor to school's student run Radio Project/Show
-Previously taught Italian to elementary school students after school
-Assists counselors in the Guidance Department with office work (community service)</p>

<p>Very good recommendations (even one from JHU professor who was my summer instructor)</p>

<p>Essay: Very personal about overcoming my internalized racism and prejudices through my love of music and the racial diversity of my public high school</p>

<p>Schools applying to:
Johns Hopkins University- ED</p>

<p>RD to:
Duke University
Lehigh University
Harvard University
Villanova University
Brown University
George Washington University
Loyola Maryland University</p>

<p>So, what do you all think? Do I have a chance?</p>

<p>Your unweighted gpa is relatively low. It would help if your rank is high. But, other than that, your scores are solid and your ECs are good as well.</p>

<p>thank you! my class rank is high (not as high as I’d like it to be but its high.) I’m in the top 87th percentile of my class. But what do you think my chances are for my list?</p>

<p>Ivies and Duke are very high reaches with your GPA. The others I’m not very sure about.</p>

<p>Most AA’s I’ve seen admitted to Duke on CC have a 1300 Sat M+R, although one was a 1280/2040.</p>

<p>^Where did you see that?</p>

<p>Your stats are definitely on the lower end, but considering your URM status you have a chance.</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/common-application/1056147-would-my-ethnicity-improve-my-chances.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/common-application/1056147-would-my-ethnicity-improve-my-chances.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Similiair question please respond</p>