What Are My Chances?

<p>Howdy all current and future Aggies!</p>

<p>I'm kinda new at this but i thought i give it a shot lol. Well I wanna start off by askin' about what are my chances about being accepted to A&M. I go to a Catholic high school in Texas and have about 100 in my class with me being in the just below the top 50 (59). My GPA unweighted as of now is around a 3.1 (kinda low i know, we'll talk about that in a minute) and my SAT scores is 530 Math, 550 CR, and 520, Writing. I know compared to the other people interested in A&M its kinda a no brainer that I'm all that good at competing but my little ace in the hole for is the application topic C. My mom pasted away right before my junior year, so due to that traumatic incident it took a toll on me both mentally and in my grades, a year has past and now this year i'm making a's and b's and shooting for all a's. My mom really wanted me to go to A&M so i'm hoping there's a little hope for me. Even if that means being apart of Blinn TEAM. If you don't think I can't be accepted, might want to give me suggestions on what I can do? I REALLY want to be accepted! </p>

<p>Thanks Y'all for readin' and Gig 'em Aggies!</p>

<p>I could not tell you if you will be accepted, or your chances. I can tell you that if you want it bad enough you can make it happen, with help that is. I’m 35, I lived in College Station for years, and use to jog through the campus and dream at the age of 20, never thought I would make it though. Yet, with the help of God and my Family I went back to school 2 years ago planning to transfer to A&M, I was accepted Last month, and looking forward to starting spring semester. The kicker is, I was in Special Ed in jr. high, I quit high school, got a GED and joined the Navy, and thought that was the best I could do as far as education. So nothing is impossible. If the door closes after hs, use another door around the side, go to a CC and make the most of it. Good Luck</p>

<p>yojay48, </p>

<p>Thanks for the support, and congrats on being accepted! it is a dream of mine to attend A&M, i’ve thought of the CC route or even attend one of their other schools like Kingsville or Corpus, hopefully, like you said, God may shut some doors, but more will open</p>

<p>Definately, it is so easy to take a year at Blinn and get into A&M later. If you have to go that route…</p>

<p>Martinezjal, wish the best of luck to you. Your SAT, class rank, and gpa do not make you a good candidate. Hopefully your essay will help you in your quest to be accepted to A&M.
derekallen2009 makes a great point - Blinn is an easy route to A&M admission. If I were you, I would also apply to A&M Galveston - it is an automatic admission route to A&M after a year.
I am sorry for your loss and hope you achieve your Mom’s dream of going to A&M. And if you are not admitted - that is not a closed door, it means you have to take a different route.</p>

<p>I hope you were able to check some of the A&M application unique question checked off, the interest in A&M part. It really means alot to admissions to see interest.
Did you come to A&M on an official campus visit? Not too late, you can still do it
Did you go visit a prospective student center? Not too late, go visit one and talk to an admission adviser there.
Did you attend any of the things A&M offers to high school Jr/Sr’s?
Aggieland Saturday
Best wishes and keep us posted on your application process</p>

<p>klparker312, thanks for all the helpful information. I think about the Blinn route a little more as reality starts to sink in, I remember someone talking to me about A&M Galveston, I’m sure more than likely I will apply to Blinn or another CC and transfer. Any Blinn transfers out there? kinda tell me how it is?? Thanks y’all</p>

<p>Yeah, me. Hella easier for even the harder majors.</p>

<p>Did you transfer after your freshman year?</p>

<p>Yeah, I got an AS at another CC in two years after high school. It was in something completely unrelated to business but then I decided to do business. I took the 2 econs, accts, business maths and most of my pre-reqs there. I then transferred to Blinn with like 90 hours, took 24 hours at Blinn last year and then transferred to A&M in the summer…A&M only took 68 when I finally got here.</p>