What are my chances?

Hello everyone, I am applying to UW-Madison for Fall 2015, I am pretty worried that I won’t get in because I only have 2 credits of a foreign language instead of 3 credits.
My GPA is 3.82 UW and 3.86 W, I take honors classes and will have completed 3 AP classes when I graduate. (Hawaii struggles)

I have a 29 on my ACT, English: 23, Math: 28, Reading: 32, Science: 32. I did terribly on the SAT so I don’t list it.

I have some extra curricular activities like Cross Country, JROTC teams, NHS, Boy Scouts, robotics, interact club, track and field, golf, paddling, and regular volunteering.

Was it the first two years of a foreign language, or the 2nd and 3rd years?

Unless they changed the policies from last year, two years is good enough.

Are you the same person who has multiple posts on deciding between (as we now see belatedly) UW-Madison, UW-Seattle, and Texas A & M ROTC?

If so, you led me to believe you were already accepted, and now making decisions per your confusing ROTC acceptances. You received some voluminous corresponding advice based on those assumptions. It would be irresponsible and irrational to insinuate that; especially so coming from somebody who intends on majoring in Computer Science, which demands high-level logic.

Going back to one of your earlier posts, I see that you were still awaiting the UW decision. This begs the question: why did you post the (seemingly-urgent, to my mind) question on deciding between UW and TAMU? Comparison questions are completely understandable, but it sounds like you were chomping at the bit when you don’t even know yet. And I think another poster commented on your separate UW vs. UW query, which I frankly didn’t understand, either.

Please, at a minimum, be clear and scrupulous with your queries. Misleading seasoned posters on this forum could get you banned. Not saying that is going to happen, but I, for one, am a little incensed after the solid advice I gave, only to discover your story is actually different than it seemed.

Your stats are good (not great OOS, but in the ballpark), and per advice in other threads, your CS potential for Madison would be a good incentive to choose it over UW-Seattle.

I just got in and only have two years. However, I am instate and have a 3.86 GPA and 32 ACT

@anhydrite‌ Yes I have those posts. I know I should have sat down a bit longer and decided before making those posts, or at least combined those two. I was on the border of those schools but I have picked my number one school. I apologize that I made a bunch of posts but I had a bunch of things racing through my mind and I should have stepped back, weighed my options, then posted. I have used all of the advice that was given me to decided but it was unnecessary to make 2 posts. Again I apologize.

@madison85 they are the first two years of a foreign language, will this hurt my application?

Apology accepted, dburns1. Glad to see you are absorbing the advice. Best of luck on your impending decisions-

Currently Washington is ranked higher in CS than Wisconsin from what I’ve seen. If you have otherwise equal reasons and are accepted to both look at the major to see which curriculum seems most suited to your interests and goals. Ranking isn’t the only reason to choose one school over another. Courses needed and available counts too.

That is true wis75, however, these mitigating factors apply:

in multiple threads, it has now been revealed that dburns1 is not accepted to all yet; also, it is much more difficult to declare / be accepted as a CS major at Washington. He already knows from more than one poster that his chances to successfully complete the (also highly ranked) Wisconsin CS program are therefore better.

I’d wager undergrad curriculums at CS powerhouses such as these don’t vary that much; what UW-Seattle gains is probably more recruiting and visibility due to its proximity to Silicon Valley. Downside is less than a third of UW-Seattle students who are already accepted to university as a whole can get in to CS.

Being able to complete the major counts as a suitable curriculum…

When I taught at research universities, the curricula referred specifically to the course sequences themselves.

I think, for the sake of the student’s betterment, he has sufficient info. at this point, at least until his acceptances are in hand. He had a few minor missteps in his information gathering process, then corrected those here.

Yes I am waiting on the acceptance letters to the said universities. I am in the process of trying to get an ROTC scholarship, so I have to major in computer science. That being said I want to go to a university where I will have a greater chance to major in computer science. Also, looking at the two schools, they have a very similar curriculum and class choices (I don’t know how exact because that would take a long time to match each class up). I am just trying to figure out my chances of getting into Wisc (my number 1 school).

Do not overthink things. Get on with enjoying your final year of HS. You have done what you can and now need to put college out of your mind- spend your time with other things.

Once I get an acceptance to UW-Madison I’ll stop stressing. It’s my number one so I really want to go. I am still enjoying my senior year but it’s in the back of my mind.