What are my chances?

Hello everybody! My long-term goal is to go to veterinary school at UC Davis. So I’m just wondering: what are my chances at getting into Davis? I’m planning to apply mainly for UCD but I’ll try UCLA and UCB as well for their biology program. My unweighted GPA is 3.91 and weighted is 4.33. My SAT is 1320, 690 for reading, and 630 for math. My unweighted UC GPA is 3.95, weighted is 4.10, and weighted and capped is 4.10. I have not done any extracurricular activities other than volunteering so that probably doesn’t look too good on my application. I have had a summer internship at a blood donation center. I am in Honors Society and just recently joined Key Club. I’m also applying for a language program (One World Now) that apparently looks very good on transcripts. What else can I do to improve my application? Also, will the lack of ACT scores affect my chances?

Your UC GPA is on target and SAT a bit low. Since UCD’s vet school is one of the top Vet schools, competition for Undergraduate programs is tough. You look like a qualified applicant, but I would definitely try to get some on-hands experience in a vet clinic or animal hospital to help with your EC’s.

A language program will be a nice addition to your resume, but it would be better to get some animal-related experience instead.

You have a good chance but not a guarantee. Make sure you apply widely to several UC’s and add Cal poly SLO and Pomona to your list.
UC’s and CSU’s accept either SAT or ACT. You do not need to take both or submit both but if you think you can bump up your test scores by taking the ACT, then go for it.

Best of luck.