<p>I came to th US in my sophomore year from Argentina.
I was born in Argentina,and both my parents are Taiwanese. </p>
<p>About my school:
public, not too competitive HS at San Diego, California.
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.6 W (10th to 11th cummulative).
rank: top 1%</p>
<p>Honors Intermediate Algebra, A
Chemistry Honors - A
PE 10 -A
English 10 - A
AP Spanish Language - A
World History - A</p>
<p>Junior :</p>
<p>Honors American Lit - A
AP Calculus AB - A
AP US History - A
AP Chemistry - A
AP Psychology -A
AP Biology- A</p>
<p>What I plan for Senior year:</p>
<p>Math 150 (College Calculus)
AP Government/Economics<br>
AP English
AP Physics C
AP Spanish Literature
*so far in the progress reports are As
(also plan to take AP Chinese by May)</p>
<p>Testing scores:
SAT: 2000 MATH: 680 READING: 700 WRITING: 620 </p>
<p>SAT II: Chinese:800 Math IIC:800 Bio:730 US Hist: 630</p>
SAN DIEGO TEACHING ACADEMY:Teacher assistant-child care and childrens Chinese tutoring in writing, speaking and reading. </p>
<p>COMMUNITY LIBRARY: Librarian assistant-organization of books, videos and DVDs &supervision of computers</p>
<p>MIRAMESA HIGH MAIN OFFICE -Office assistant</p>
<p>Physics Club- president
SPEECH AND DEBATE-vice president
ACADEMIC LEAGUE-key science player
CALIFORNIA MATH TEAM-key participant
PRE-MED CLUB- member
CHESS CLUB-member</p>
<p>Other info:
I'm fluent (speak, read & write) in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Taiwanese. I can also understand some French and Latin (took 2 years before coming to the US)
I'm afraid the absence of freshmen grade will affenct me badly. </p>
<p>These are my college list:
-UC Berkeley
-U Penn
-Rice University
-Georgetown U
-Chicago U
-Washington in St. Louis
-UC Davis
-UC Irvine</p>
if anymore information is needed for determining the chances, please respond!! (maybe except essay :P)
Chances?? should I move around some of the colleges?
(ie: Georgetown--> high reach)</p>
<p>THANK YOU!!</p>