What Are My Chances?

<p>I came to th US in my sophomore year from Argentina.
I was born in Argentina,and both my parents are Taiwanese. </p>

<p>About my school:
public, not too competitive HS at San Diego, California.
GPA: 4.0 UW, 4.6 W (10th to 11th cummulative).
rank: top 1%</p>


<p>Honors Intermediate Algebra, A
Chemistry Honors - A
PE 10 -A
English 10 - A
AP Spanish Language - A
World History - A</p>

<p>Junior :</p>

<p>Honors American Lit - A
AP Calculus AB - A
AP US History - A
AP Chemistry - A
AP Psychology -A
AP Biology- A</p>

<p>What I plan for Senior year:</p>

<p>Math 150 (College Calculus)
AP Government/Economics<br>
AP English
AP Physics C
AP Spanish Literature
*so far in the progress reports are As
(also plan to take AP Chinese by May)</p>

<p>Testing scores:
SAT: 2000 MATH: 680 READING: 700 WRITING: 620 </p>

<p>SAT II: Chinese:800 Math IIC:800 Bio:730 US Hist: 630</p>

SAN DIEGO TEACHING ACADEMY:Teacher assistant-child care and children’s Chinese tutoring in writing, speaking and reading. </p>

<p>COMMUNITY LIBRARY: Librarian assistant-organization of books, videos and DVDs &supervision of computers</p>

<p>MIRAMESA HIGH MAIN OFFICE -Office assistant</p>

<p>Physics Club- president
SPEECH AND DEBATE-vice president
ACADEMIC LEAGUE-key science player
CALIFORNIA MATH TEAM-key participant
PRE-MED CLUB- member
CHESS CLUB-member</p>

<p>Other info:
I'm fluent (speak, read & write) in Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Taiwanese. I can also understand some French and Latin (took 2 years before coming to the US)
I'm afraid the absence of freshmen grade will affenct me badly. </p>

<p>These are my college list:
-UC Berkeley
-U Penn
-Rice University
-Georgetown U
-Chicago U
-Washington in St. Louis
-UC Davis
-UC Irvine</p>

if anymore information is needed for determining the chances, please respond!! (maybe except essay :P)
Chances?? should I move around some of the colleges?
(ie: Georgetown--> high reach)</p>

<p>THANK YOU!!</p>

<p>wow its cool how u went from algebra honors to calculus AB</p>

<p>Some schools (Stanford?) don't even consider freshman grades. I don't see why lacking them should be a problem, since your later grades are so good.
I think you need to raise your SAT I scores to have a good chance at your reaches. Try the ACT?</p>

<p>ACT... isn't it a little too late? I believe the last one is Dec. 9 and the deadline is Nov 19...</p>


<p>UCB/UCLA: Match
UCSD: Safe Match
UCI/UCD: Safety</p>

<p>I think Ivy League is maybe a bit high considering your SAT 2 Subjects and SAT scores. You have no sports and I doubt you are fluent in any of the languages you said because you didn't take any SAT Subject tests for them. It's a bit late to have an art elective as well, it looks like you're just trying to fill a requirement or look like you like art. Your English and World History seem down and Asians need those to be high especially writing. Not taking AP Enlgish Language in Junior year wasn't probably a good idea.</p>