What are my chances?

I'm a junior in HS. Rank: 25 out of 600 students (expect that to go higher.) Didn't do freshman year here as i transferred from out of the country. Till now i've had straight A's. As for EC's well Student Government, Math Team, Spanish Club, Tech Club, Strategic game club, Chess Club. I haven't gotten the chance to get really involved. I don't really like sports so i've kept myself away. Community Service: 4 hrs every weekend at a care facility.
I haven't taken any of the "Tests" yet but got a 205 on my PSAT. Now what are the colleges that I should be aiming for? Please give me a list as I'm completely new at this. Anyways, do I have even the slightest chance of getting into the ivies?

<p>BTW My GPA is 4.5</p>

<p>bump bump..</p>

<p>please give me an answer.............. please</p>

<p>pretty good with the nice rank</p>

<p>bump bump ..</p>

<p>I got more answers with the thread I posted in High School Life. Why was this section even created if a person can't get answers?</p>