<p>Hey, I am a US citizen living abroad in Brazil. I currently study at the private American School in Rio de Janeiro (EARJ) and i am in my sophmore year. I am definitely looking towards attending univerity in the United States, although i am really not sure what my chances are at getting into a prestigious university due to my history in school. The thing is i used to study at the American School in Sao Paulo, Graded and completed 1 semester of freshman year where my grades were pretty much B's and A's, although due to family affairs i moved and instead of going straight into the american school of Rio (EARJ) i ended up attending the British School for a whole year before changing schools. I completely lost focus and entusiasm reguarding my academic performance therefore my grades were pretty much made up of D's and A's. The point is, they really weren't good and i didnt engage in any ec's due to the school's incompetence and lack there of. I decided to change schools desperately and right now my grades have boosted up to what they used to be (B's and A's, all B's above 85%- i got into the honor roll at my school) I have also joined the MUN (model united nations) and have made it into the soccer team at my school. Outside of school i play piano (have been doing so for the past 8yrs) and am really engaged with art. I am also looking at completing a lot o community service until the end of the school year. I have a full course load of seven classes including PreCalc, which i opted to take this year. My school does not offer AP classes although it does offer a pretty good IB program which is what i am looking at doing next year. I plan on taking:
English A1 HL
Portuguese A2 SL
Chemisty SL (junior yr)
Physics SL (senior yr- u can only take it senior yr)
Mathematics HL
Art SL or HL
History SL or HL (if i choose Art SL, i'll do HL vice versa)
CAS (150 hrs of community service)
Extended Essay
I also plan on continuing my extra curricular activities in soccer, MUN and i plan on joining a few others (especially community service).
Last year during the summer i attended the CTY program (center for Talented Youth) from John's Hopkins. I completed a course for Introduction to Engineering which really set my mind into going into civil engineering and possibly seeking grad school in architecture. I got in with a score of 510 on the mathematics section of the old SAT in the 7th grade and also completed the Battery Test the CTY program offers and got a 605 on that. I have already applied and gotten into the CTY program this year at the Princeton site. I am looking towards dedicating the rest of my summer with either a different summer program or SAT prep. I am also looking towards practicing the SAT up until end of Junior Year to achieve a top grade on that. I am really willing to apply myself completey to school for the next 2 years, doing the best that i possibly can. Of course like so many other students i do dream of attending the best universities in the US, although i am aware of the fact that for a whole year i slacked off. I am really seeking an honest opinion reguarding my acceptence into good colleges that offer a good civil engineering program such as Carnegie Mellon or UC-Berkeley. I want this so much, Im just not sure i have what it takes at this point to get in. Is this goal realistic or am i just daydreaming?</p>
<p>bump, i know its long but could anyone possibly review my chances?
Thanks =)</p>
<p>bump, again</p>