What are my Chances??

<p>Hey I am a junior at a very good public high school- LCHS</p>


<p>SAT- What type of scores do I need?</p>

<p>SAT II- Math 2C- 710, Writing- 720, I plan to take American History and/ or physics</p>

<p>EC: Nationally ranked junor golfer (top 250)
3 Yrs. Varsity Golf- Captain 2 years
250 Hours community service so far
Debate Club- 2 years
Junior Statesmen of America- 2 Years
Interned at the Pacific Stock Exchange (1 summer and part of my spring break)
Interned at Amgen for 7 weeks</p>

<p>*I have been in contact with college scouters- Harvard, U Penn, Columbia, Duke, NYU, Berkeley, UCLA, USC, Northwestern</p>

<p>I would just like to know what type of SAT scores i would need (they recommed for student athletes 1350, but I think that my GPA is a little low) and also my chances of getting into the aforementioned schools. Oh by the way I am half korean and half white (jewish)</p>


<p>i am just going to bump this.</p>

<p>4.0GPA is that weighted or unweighted...? Because thats really good if its unweighted lol ^^.</p>

<p>that would be weighted, but i am going to really grind it out to try and get a 4.5 this semester. So i can have a GPA of over 4.0</p>

<p>oh, i forgot to mention that I have some cousins that have graduated U Penn, an uncle from NYU, cousins from Northwestern, aunts and uncles from Berkeley, USC and UCLA, and cousins from Harvard and Stanford as well.</p>
