What are my chances?

-Attending in an International school (runs with harsh grading system, but unfortunately no AP classes. However, I have taken and will take the most competitve classes that my school can offer.)</p>

-GPA: 3.72 unweighted
-Class Rank: Top 20% (not perfectly sure, since the school is very small)
-SAT I: 470 CR / 590 Math / 580 Writing (definitely retaking it on Oct.)
-SAT II: N/A (taking Math IIC & Biology on Nov.)
-TOEFL: N/A (taking iBT on Nov.)
*The SAT I score was very unexpected and shocking since I've prepared so hard for it. (I usually got over 1800 on the practice tests, but...)</p>

-Volleyball Team (10th, 11th)
-Soccer Team (9th, 10th, 11th)
-Teacher's Aide (10th)
-Discipleship Club (11th)
-Choir Team (9th, 11th)</p>

<p>Leadership Experience
-Class Representative (9th)
-Student Council Treasurer (11th)</p>

-History Fair - 2nd place (9th)
-Duo Interpretation - 2nd place (9th)
-Scholar-Athlete Award (11th)
-All "A" Honor Roll (10th)</p>

<p>Volunteer Service & Work Experience
-Served 30 Hrs. in a local hospital
-Served 20 Hrs. in the Samsung Electronics Store
-Served 1 Hr. every school day as a teacher's aide (10th)
-Served a week in Thailand with a group of teachers to help (aka, missions trip)
-Currently tutoring English to two non-English speakers (part-time job)</p>

<p>Recommendation Letters
-Will ask my Literature/Grammar teacher (had many classes with her, and she knows that I am very hard-working student)
-Will ask my Algebra II/Calculus teacher (she knows that I love math, and I'm a bright student)</p>

<p>College Wish-List
-Univ. of Washington
-Univ. of Rochester
-Univ. of Michigan - Ann Arbor
-Lehigh Univ.
-Pace Univ.
*Applying for a business major</p>

<p>Please chance me, and comment any advices - how to raise SAT scores, International scholarships, other recommendation of colleges, etc. Thanks!</p>

<p>is this thread dead? bump bump..</p>

<p>Please chance me!</p>

<p>u really need to improve ur sat scores</p>

<p>ann arbor is a definite high reach</p>

<p>ur ec's kinda seem all over the place i would advise putting more effort into one or two of them</p>

<p>but seriously get those SAT's up</p>

<p>Please don't take this the wrong way, but even your 1800s won't really cut it for UMich. As for how to raise your SAT scores, you might want to get one of those review books. I haven't actually read one myself, but assuming they are of the same quality as say Princeton Review AP books, they should be pretty decent. </p>

<p>Also, you know the drill. Get a good nights' sleep before the test, eat a decent breakfast, etc. Just really familiarize yourself with the format of the test so that there are no surprises and most importantly, make sure you relieve yourself before the test... otherwise, sitting there for an hour may be less than fantastic.</p>

<p>Yea, thanks for the advice daman11 and tintin220. I'm planning to prepare for Oct. SAT test during my summer break. Btw, do you have any advice on which practice test book(s) I should intently focus on?</p>


<p>*The Official SAT Study Guide<a href="the%20big%20blue%20book">/i</a> written by the CollegeBoard offers the most realistic prep. If you want to overprep, go for Barron's. Barron's is much harder though, so don't expect your scores on those practice tests to be pretty.</p>

<p>Thanks roxxy. Btw, do I have any chance in Pace University with the SAT score I got? And what are some advices you can give me to raise my percertange of acceptance into my wish-list?</p>

<p>bump bump..please chance me!</p>