<p>here goes nothing...</p>
<p>junior, (will be senior next year, ha!) public school, mich.</p>
<p>applying EA architecture.. and civil engineering</p>
<p>gpa 3.727 (unweight)
4.09 (weighted)</p>
H eng 9
H eng 10
H eng 11
H bio
H chem
H physics
AP Chem
H algebra 3/4
H trig/pre-cal
AP calc AB
AP US History
Arch Drafting (2 years)
Tech Drafter (1 year)
Latin (3 years)</p>
<p>Senior Year (already decided)
AP Literature
AP World History
AP Calc BC
AP Physics
AP Stats
Architecture Year 3
Art 3/4</p>
<p>class rank.. mid 20s/250</p>
<p>ACT: Best compos: 30
Best math: 35
Best science: 33
Best Reading: 27
Best english: 27
Essay: 10</p>
<p>-re-taking in oct becuase mich lets us do it for free...!</p>
math 1: 770
math 2: 760
chem: 650</p>
<p>(i'm done re-taking these..)</p>
Senior Class Vice President
National Honor Society President
Key Club Vice President
Latin Club Officer
Cross Country Captian (3 years Varsity)
Track (will be 3 years Varsity)
200+ volunteering (library and hospital)</p>
<p>Random stuff:
-MITES (michigan industrial tech. education soc.) 1st place regionals, 1st place State (for set of architectural drawings)
-I work at a civil enginnering, architectural, surveying firm (during school year average 8 hour weeks, in the summer 24+ hours)</p>