What Are My Chances?

<p>Hey guys, I'm a soon-to-be senior from a small town here in Wisconsin, and I was just wondering what my chances would be for Madison (my first pick)</p>

<p>GPA- Between 3.7-3.8 depending on senior year
ACT- 29 (lowest math - 25, highest reading- 35)
My senior classes are: Spanish 3 and 4, Adv. Chemistry, AP Language and Composition, Shakespeare, Sociology
EC- Musicals, Jazz Choir, Drama Club (I couldn't do many other things because I had family committments) </p>

<p>My freshman GPA was my lowest, but its been steadily climbing since then, and I got all A's (excluding one A- in Adv Speech and Writing) during my junior year. My junior year classes included advanced speech, spanish 2, trig, chemistry, psychology)</p>

<p>I could possibly retake the ACT in Oct and try to get a 30 or better, but I'm not sure how its going to work out. </p>

<p>Anyway, if you have any input I'd really appreciate it.</p>


<p>rigor of classes taken is very big...how many honors/AP's have u take?</p>

<p>Well my high school doesn't offer honors classes, but AP Lang/Comp and Adv Chem next year are the highest level we have, and Spanish 4 might also be an AP. </p>

<p>My AP Language and Comp Class is a full block, two semester class.</p>

<p>Apply in September, you should find out in time to know if you need to apply to other state schools in plenty of time. The admission site chances chart puts you at 80%, improving grades are in your favor. Retake the ACT if you think you will improve your math score; I bet you don't plan on a math/science major, though.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses guys, I really appreciate it</p>

<p>...and no I'm not going for a math major, I'm going for law.</p>

<p>The easiest way to get into UW is if you attended a Wisconsin high school, so you should be fine</p>

<p>You're in-state so you should be fine.</p>