<p>So. . . I love Mount Holyoke, but have no idea if I can get in. . . i'm low on community service (no time!)
SAT 2020 Math 710 Verbal 710 Writing 600
SATII French 680 Math I 730
ACT 34 (no writing)</p>
<p>Spent a semester in France last year, which meant that I couldn't take AP courses. But overall, through high school, have taken/am taking AP calc, AP us history, and AP gov, and 14 honors courses. About top 10% in class</p>
<p>Captain of the swim team
Captain of the sailing team
Drama club (actress and costume designer)
french club
nhs (seeking membership this year- wasn't here last year)</p>
<p>pianist at nursing home (9,10)
volunteer at various small things</p>
<p>I already had my interview, and it seemed to go well .. .</p>
<p>I’d say your chances are pretty good. However i do not want to give you false hope, because this year is supposed to be the hardest year to get into colleges. However I got in with lower SAT’s and I was the captain of only one team (haha)
If you can get into NHS that will be a plus to your resume. Also, spend a lot of time on your College essay(s). They help a LOT.</p>
<p>Did you do girlscouts, that might help as well.</p>
<p>Hey, ginaenparis. I think your numbers are in the range. I’m not sure what the top 10% in your school looks like, so I can’t comment on that, but just try to do as well as possible because we have a lot of A students here. Have you been communicating with our swim team coach? I think it could help if the college thinks you’ll be an asset to our team. </p>
<p>I think Mount Holyoke appreciates women who are passionate and involved, irrespective of whether their involvement fits a mold, so don’t worry if you’re not in Girl Scouts or have fewer community service hours. Just do what you feel passionate about and keep your grades up.</p>
<p>Also, I have to echo Elleyea and say that it is imperative that you write strong essays. From what I understand, your essays will make or break you. Make sure you give yourself enough time to write, rewrite, and rewrite again. And show them to your parents or teachers or other people, because sometimes you don’t always catch your own mistakes. I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, so sorry for that, but the essay is especially important to schools like Mount Holyoke.</p>
<p>Good luck and feel free to send me a message if you have any questions!</p>