<p>I am an eighth grader, applying for ninth grade.
I am a girl from Oklahoma.
SSAT Score: 91%
Verbal: 689 71%
Reading: 710 88%
Math: 782 97%
I am in all Advanced classes and have a GPA of 4.0
Also, I am in many extracurricular activities.
Piano: 8 years, superior ratings
Tennis: 2 years Singles 2
Band: 2nd Trumpet, all-district
Art: 7 years, acrylic, oil paintings
Student Council: 2 years, president
Kumon: Level K in math, and level L in reading
Won many awards including 1st in state math competition, state finalist in the national geographic bee, and a scholarship
Interviews went good
Student essays and questionaire are great.
Recommendatons are great.</p>
<p>I am applying for Andover, Exeter, Deerfield, Greenhill, and Hockaday.
What are my chances?</p>