What are my Chances?

<p>What are my chances?</p>

<p>some stats have been predicted (where indicated)</p>

<p>Medical Magnet (competitive)
Incoming Junior
Major: Engineering (Bio-medical, Mech, or General), Nursing, or PT
Predicted GPA(weighted): about 3.64</p>

<p>SAT = 1620+ on new scale (on a practice)
PSAT = 168 about</p>

<p>School Activities:
Health Occupation Students of America (one year)
Student Council, Representative (2 years)
Class Office, Chaplain (2 years)
Multicultural Club (1 year)
Concert Choir (Varsity)(1 year)</p>

<p>School Achievements:
Spanish Honor Society (1 year)</p>

Boy Scouts of America (5 years)
Coordinator - Environmental Ministry at Church (3 years)
Youth Coordinator - Cultural Dance Group (2 years)
District Youth Commissioner - City Youth Commission (3/4 year)</p>

<p>Other Achievements:
Eagle Scout - Boy Scouts of America</p>

<p>Not very many APs being offered, but I am taking 1 this year (English). I will take more next year. I am also taking one dual credit class (Accepted - most in state schools.) Other classes are honors unless they are not offered as honors, dual, or AP.</p>

<p>This likely won't be what you want to hear, and I'm sorry about that.</p>

<p>Your GPA is a bit on the low side, but it wouldn't keep you from getting into MIT if everything else is good. The problem is, against the people you're competing, it's fairly low. I'd work to bring it up a lot in your junior year.</p>

<p>Your SAT scores concern me the most, the low end of the MIT median is 1430 old, which translates to about a 2145 new (although the actual value of the SAT I: Writing is being debated). You really need to bring that up, otherwise they'll have a hard time in finding reasons to accept you.</p>

<p>There also doesn't seem to be anything linking your extracurriculars. You seem to have a lot of leadership-type positions, which is good, but try to chain them together coherently so you can demonstrate some passion. Being in a medical magnet helps, I have to say, especially if it's a very competitive school.</p>

<p>If your school doesn't offer many AP, make sure to tell them that, so they can take it into consideration when they look at you. Remember, they compare you to your classmates more than anything else.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you for C'11. As the name implies, I'm running through the process right now for 2010. Getting an early start on the application procedure helps.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help.</p>

<p>Do some independent projects or something(geeky, math/science related stuff). That'll spice up your app.</p>

<p>OK. My GPA is based on a 4.0 scale</p>

<p>Don't Magnets offer a lot of APs?</p>

<p>My magnet doesn't get enough funding, plus we didn't get enough people to sign up for the other AP I was applying for this year.</p>
