What are my chances?

<p>Thank you for taking the time to answer this question. I am a senior in high school and pretty soon I will be applying to colleges. I would like to major in business and minor in biomedical engineering or electrical engineering. My back up school is Rutgers New Brunswick but I really would like to go to a better school, maybe NYU Stern.</p>

<p>Sex: Female
Ethnicity: half Taiwanese, half Indian
Parents: divorced</p>

<p>GPA: 3.5 unweighted
SAT Score: 2060
Bio SAT II Score : 760
History AP Exam Score: 5
-I will be retaking the SAT I's in October and taking Math II SAT II's in November
-I am also taking the AP Calc, AP Lit, AP Gov, and AP Stats</p>

<p>Editor in Chief of Yearbook
former Photography editor of Yearbook
Historian of National Honors Society
member of Social Studies Honors Society
attended two semesters of UMDNJ's Premedical Program
shadowed a doctor at Brigham and Women's Hospital at Harvard University
nine years of commitment to one swimming team</p>

<p>around 50-70 hours of community service (I plan to get 100+)
participated in 4-5 annual Rose Bud swimathons for Cystic Fibrosis
participated in 3-4 annual Breast Cancer walks in New York and at my local JCC/YMCA</p>

<p>Do I have a good chance of getting into NYU Stern, and if I get in will I receive a substantial amount of financial aide? (I really don't have much money for college)</p>

<p>Aside from that, does anyone have any advice as to which colleges I should be applying to, my chances of getting in, and the amount of financial aid at each college (ex: chances of me getting a scholarship, etc)? I was also wondering what the procedures are for asking a college about financial aid.</p>

<p>If anyone can help, I would appreciate it a lot. Thanks!</p>

<p>What are your swimming stats? Best times, events, etc.? Maybe you can get on a swim team as a hook, depends on how good you are.</p>

<p>Well, I quit the team last year so I could study more so I don’t think that’s an option.</p>

<p>How do I create a thread!</p>