What are my options?

<p>I'm attending undergraduate work in engineering at an okay college. I'm not athletic, but i have been playing music on and off for seven years. I know Princeton will require a GPA of at least 3.5 in engineering which is pretty difficult to achieve. Is one strong extracurricular with a strong GPA enough? Or should I broaden my EC's a little bit?</p>


<p>this is a joke rite?</p>

<p>unless u have DAMN GOOD ECs ur not gettin in pal</p>

<p>I'm confused...are you a prospective college transfer student? Are you a high-school student taking college courses before high school graduation?</p>

<p>Pton does not accept transfers.</p>

<p>Jesus Christ,</p>

<p>Don't kill him because has a 3.5</p>