<p>Here on CC, more than other places, we are all truly cognizant of the advantage URMs have over the typical white or Asian male. If a URM is applying to a top school, they can have lower stats, weaker ec's, and cutout essays about how rough their life is.
Based on these facts, my racial prejudices have sadly, but honestly, been exacerbated.
When I visit tip top schools (Ivy, etc.) I find myself looking at the student body and thinking "Wow, these whites and asians must really have done something spectacular or must be ridiculously intelligent. These URMs? They may have been great students, but I know many would not be here had their skin been any other color." </p>
<p>I know this is not a ubiquitous principle. Perhaps I am even an anomaly in my mindset. But honestly, I feel that the whole diversity benefit is actually embarrassing and an insult to the URMs. If they thought it through they would realize, "I'm a respectable URM, why do I need a crutch to be accepted to a top tier school? Am I less qualified, less intelligent, and subordinate to the white and asian majorities?" </p>
<p>If colleges truly wanted equality and respectable admissions, they would be race-blind. Read the essays, analyze the stats, check over the extracurriculars, but ignore the skin color. </p>
<p>How do you all feel about it? What are your arguments? Have you found the same prejudices to be true for you?</p>