What are some advice for future Purdue Engineering Students?


<p>I was admitted to Purdue University as an engineering major back in November
and I guess now I finally narrowed it down and Purdue seems the school I will most likely attend this fall! I have heard around cc forums and online that Purdue's engineering course load is pretty difficult and I'm assuming that pretty much speaks for itself since is tied for 9th in the country. </p>

<p>I was wondering if any current engineering students at Purdue could give some advice and other things we should know in terms of topics and subjects before going to the school? I really wish to go there and have fun as well so maybe some things that students enjoy participating in or doing at the school as well :) </p>

<p>Thank you!

<p>First of, congrats! I’m a sophomore in Civil Engineering at Purdue.</p>

<p>No matter what, you’re going to be taking Calc 1-3, Chemistry 1, Physics, ENGR 131-132 (unless you are in honors, which is ENGR 195). Please don’t ever get in the mindset of “This class doesn’t matter, I won’t use it.” Work your hardest for every class, and you’ll be rewarded (After freshman year I had a 3.91 due to 2 A-'s, the rest were A’s). Go to all your classes, no matter what. Use “ratemyprofessor . com” with a grain of salt to help you get good professors. Definitely spend time thinking about what major you’d like to go into. Don’t overload yourself! 18 credit hours can be a lot! Also, look into EPICS (I’m pretty sure I got internship offers because I showed how much I did in EPICS). </p>

<p>For fun: Clubs? </p>

<p>If you have any more questions, I can try to help. You can do it! :)</p>

<p>Seirsly: Good advice. Is the EPICS program you refer to the “Learning Community” that freshmen can apply to get into? Thanks.</p>

<p>EPICS: <a href=“https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS[/url]”>https://engineering.purdue.edu/EPICS&lt;/a&gt;
Yes, I believe so, but after the first freshman semester I believe you can just apply for it like a class (you should probably contact <a href=“mailto:epics@purdue.edu”>epics@purdue.edu</a> if you have questions).</p>

<p>That being said, I was in the EPICS learning community and all the EPICS freshmen got put in our own ENGR 131 class, which was awesome since it seemed like most of the kids there were more motivated than the other ENGR 131 classes. We also got to mess around with LABview while other classes were doing Excel. Pretty neat, but maybe a bit more difficult.</p>

<p>Thank you Seirsly!</p>

<p>How many credit hours would you recommend per semester?
Also it’s impressive that you got a 3.91! Were you an outstanding student in HS as well?
I’m currently taking AP BC Calculus and AP Physics E/M C. But I’m not a straight A student… I would say more towards the B+/A- track so I’m just worried haha. </p>

<p>Also this may sound very arbitrary and stereotypical of me and I apologize in advance, but how social are the engineering students at Purdue? Or how easy to get along with are they? I went to a luncheon and met some people for UIUC and they seemed pretty ‘snooty’? Or unwilling to talk with me haha… maybe cause it was cause we were all new there but eh…</p>

<p>It really depends. Take a look at your schedule since some classes take a lot of time (such as labs) but are only listed as like 3 credit hours. Talk to your adviser, since they usually have some idea what classes are time consuming and will try their best not to overload you.
I actually had a 3.694/4.0 GPA and was ranked 46thish/550ish kids. I didn’t really take that many AP classes though. But I took AP BC calc (Got a 5 on the AB part, 4 on the BC part, decided to take Calc 2 again in college for review) and I took AP Physics E/M C (got 5’s on both parts). I wasn’t a straight A student (obviously), but my high school was apparently very thorough and tough? Compared to some of my class mate’s high schools at least… SO DON’T WORRY! :)</p>

<p>Well, there are quite a few partiers in Engineering… Does that count? XD
I don’t party or drink, and I knooow we can be snooty, but there are a great variety of people in Engineering! You’ll see in your ENGR 131 class. It’s pretty amazing. Sure, some will make you pull your hair out… but same with some people in general. Just try and avoid those kids. But yeah, as a freshmen (especially with all the out of state kids), people are definitely willing to make friends, especially in the beginning.</p>

<p>Alright thanks so much haha,</p>

<p>I know at Purdue, first year engineers typically take all similar classes regardless of which specific engineering you want to do… but which professors would you recommend and their classes?</p>

<p>Also in terms of having leisure time and sleeep… how plausible is it? I enjoy going to the gym and lifting and probably spending time with friends. Will sacrificing some time during the weekends and such make these things possible? :o</p>

<p>Oakes for ENGR 131 and 132 was good for me, we had the highest test averages supposedly that year. My friend can’t remember his professor’s name though, but she was supposedly great too… so look around if Oakes is full?
Towns for Chem maybe?
Johnny E. Brown for Math classes if he teaches it.</p>

<p>Totally possible. I sleep ~8 hours a night. One of my friends is an Aero major and he goes to the gym pretty much everyday and is usually ahead on all his homeworks. Last year my friends dedicated Fridays nights to group dinners and movies till like 3 am. xD</p>

<p>I second Towns for chem. she actually cares about her students, which can’t be said for all professors here. I had Kakoi for ENGR 132, and I liked him. I didn’t like my 131 professor. She was annoying. </p>

<p>As for sleep, I’m a sophomore ChE. I have a job that I work ~12 hours/week at. I sleep around 7 hours a night but on bad weeks that number is a bit lower like 5.5/6. But no all nighter so far. I also use one night of the weekend to catch up on TV and sleep and go out the other night.</p>

<p>Bump! :slight_smile:
Anyone else with more advices?</p>

<p>Hi Seirsly, as you are an upperclassmen engineer, can you tell me among your peers and friends, were all able to obtain the 3.25 GPA to be able to transfer to their intended major? I read somewhere that if you don’t make the GPA for your major that you are placed in a major that matches the GPA you have? is there a list of the various GPA requirements? And if your GPA doesn’t match what is required, do you get a choice of where you are placed? Have you found people who just decided to transfer out of engineering? Also, how would you characterize the schools OUTSIDE of engineering? Good alternatives to engineering? Or not as strong? Thanks for your help! </p>

<p>No. I know of at least one person who was not admitted into Mech. Engr. from the FYE program due to her grades. </p>

<p>You are understanding it wrong. See this: <a href=“School of Engineering Education - Purdue University”>School of Engineering Education - Purdue University;

<p>If you have a lower than 3.2 gpa, you may be able to get into your college if space allows. Please read the link and ask follow up questions if need be. </p>

<p>I know a lot of people who decided to transfer out of engineering. I’ve heard that our school of management, nursing, chemistry, and CS are pretty good. But it all depends on your interests and career goals. Engineering is very broad, which discipline are you interested in?</p>

<p>Lol… this post so long ago! I’m in college now. Unfortunately I was not able to go to Purdue because of out of state tuition. So I am currently at my state university, Rutgers (still studying engineering). </p>

<p>Chance me please
I am from india with 95% in 1pth grade, 94% in 11th and 92.6% in 12th. I got 640 on maths and 500 on reading, since I am from reading, reading has been of a bit disadvantage to me. Tell me do I stand any chance at Purdue for engineering? </p>

<p>10th grade*</p>