What are some application tips you guys would like to share?

<p>While most people despise the entire application process, I am very excited to start applying UT and looking forward tomorrow for the application to be available. I decided to start now rather then wait at the last minute, stress from school finals, completing other college and scholarship applications. I would like to know any tips you Longhorns would like to share

<p>I wasn’t the strongest in test scores (1950 SAT 32 ACT) nor was I great in rank (top 5% is not enough for McCombs) but I think it was my extra curricular activities (I EXTREMELY dedicated to debate, theatre, and government) and my job was what did it for me. So from my experience I recommend</p>

<p>decent scores and at minimum top 5% to be safe. Although it does depend on what school you go to too. </p>

<p>But from my pov it really was my essay (which was very genuine and unique! one of the topics was “most inspirational person” or something and I picked a film director despite trying to apply to business. I also wrote another essay about how I learned to differentiate personal issues and business in life.) It wasn’t a “smart” or wordy essay, very real and me. </p>

<p>It was also the fact that I threw everything into a few key activities (debate mainly) and my hard work paid off. I was in very few clubs and only held leadership positions in two. But I was consistent with my activities and seriously showed that I loved doing them. </p>

<p>I think UT and McCombs appreciated that I wasn’t so carbon-copy “I join this and that club because it makes me look good” or “I’ll write about so-and-so because that’s professional” with my application. I took a lot of risks (writing about film and art when trying to get into business? haha)</p>

<p>My SATs were HORRIBLE. I’m not going to even bother. I was automatically accepted since I was in the Top 5% of my class. Extra-curricular activities are important – as well as community service and leadership qualifications. I was involved a lot as my school. I was president of three clubs, captain of my journalism team, band kid, vp for the NHS, historian for another club, newspaper staff, UIL Academic [I participated in 4 events] as well as participate in science fair and history fair. I also had 200+ hours of volunteer work. Try to do everything you can [without making it seem you are joining everything for your college app]. In addition, try to get some volunteer hours in the weekend. </p>

<p>Essays. I did all three. Make them unique and out-of-the-box but grammar perfect. On one of my essays I wrote about my guy best friend who I always didn’t get along with. </p>

<p>Letters of Recomm. Choose people who REALLY know you. I chose teachers that I visited after I “graduated” from their class. They really knew me, knew what I have been through and know what I was able to do accomplish. Pending on your major, you might also send in a portfolio. I heard some people did that and got them into their first choice major. </p>

<p>Good luck with the college application process. (:</p>

<p>I guess it’s different depending on who you ask. Honestly I disagree with the activities one (I was in two clubs and one honor society BUT I had extremely high achievements on them and I had a very strange and interesting job that enabled me to travel and learn a lot) but it worked well for both of us. I was in UIL too! which events did you do kaylune?</p>

<p>But your SAT was much SO better than mine. I was only able to take it once due to a heavy marching band schedule. I was in Journalism for three years and Ready Writing for one.</p>

<p>Start your application early. The more time you have, the better chance you have.</p>

<p>Make sure to finish your application early. A lot of people did it near the deadline and they found themselves mad stressed during an important part of the year (November-December) of senior year. Also if you know you’re scores are weak or your rank is weak and you are applying to a competitive department like engineering, geosciences, or business make sure to write a letter of intent showing your interest. UT austin loves to see students show interest in their specific programs!</p>

<p>UT is big on the “expanded resume,” with emphasis on expanded (this is not your concise one-pager to support a job application). Don’t let anyone talk you into skipping this “optional” application item! The resume provides a relatively easy vehicle for you to make a big impact. With that said, don’t blow it off 'til the last minute! You’ll need more time than you expect to gather all of the requested information. And then you’ll need to devote both time and creativity to putting it together in an attractive, logical presentation containing just the right amount of detail to make you shine without being tedious.</p>



<p>[Expanded</a> Resumes | Be a Longhorn](<a href=“http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/admission/resume]Expanded”>http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/admission/resume)</p>

<p>It is smart to prepare this resume before you do anything else. It will make filling out the form college applications at Apply Texas and Common App a snap!</p>

<p>Apply early, especially if you’re applying to other colleges with deadlines around Jan. 1st. You don’t want to do what I did and wait until the last minute on a lot of them.
And, apply for housing early. SERIOUSLY. As soon as you get your acceptance, put down the $50. Then, as soon as you’re reasonably sure you’re going to UT, put down the 300. You can get some of it back if you don’t.
Also, on your application, the only thing you have a ton of control over anymore is the essay. You’ve been working on all the other stuff for 3 years, but the essay is yours to do with what you want. Start early and think it out.</p>

<p>Can’t you put down your $50 as soon as you apply? I don’t think you have to wait for acceptance. If you think there’s a chance at all that you will attend UT, pay it when you apply.</p>

<p>Maybe so… I have no clue.
I wish I had paid mine earlier. But, I didn’t think I was going to UT for a long time.</p>

<p>Unfortunately, you have to wait until your application is complete before you are allowed to fill out a housing application and pay the deposit. </p>

<p>[Housing</a> Application | Be a Longhorn](<a href=“http://bealonghorn.utexas.edu/freshmen/housing/application]Housing”>Application Materials – University of Texas Admissions)</p>

<p>@Thekiwi I wish I had your ACT score , I score below average on ACT yet I score 1850 on SAT. I plan to take ACT at least twice this year. I am sure Kaylune had better scores than me. Spt.leonida I dont think I will be able to go to Cockwell school because I am only in Pre-Cal and I don’t meet the calculas readiness requirement but I will contact the program and tell them my situation. I did not know the importance of the resume. I have a job resume but I do not think it will be right for college though.</p>

<p>protip for ACT: prep courses are useless and expensive. Go to any library or used bookstore (or a new one doesn’t matter) get your hand on a lot of practice ACT books. learn the basics of ACT (which subjects you take, score calculating blah blah) then just take as many practice tests as possible. I locked myself in my room with just me, my pencils, and my timer. I took practice tests over and over again for hours until my test day. </p>

<p>works wonders. just practice. I recommend ACTs from the actual company or Princeton Review.</p>