what are some good ACT prep books?

<p>where can i get ACT practice tests that are reliable and show a true reflection of my progress? i have The Real ACT Prep Guide, but that only offers 3 practice tests</p>

<p>The next best book after the real one is the PR one.</p>

<p>PR definitely for the specifics. I had Barrons, but never used it (although I hear it's good prep for the science section). I also had Kaplan, but never used it. The Real ACT Prep and PR was enough.</p>

<p>the Real ACT is the best for the practice guides, kaplan is good because it comes with a cd program so that you can take individual practice sections and it scores it for you, but the questions were way harder (ie i got a 20 on the science section with kaplan but a 33 on the real thing) and princeton review is best for tesk taking strategies.</p>

<p>don't use barrons</p>

<p>from experience, nothin really works that well. </p>

<p>A tutor would probably be the best choice, I didn't have a tutor, and if I had, my score would've probably been in high 20s, low 30s, instead I got a 26, but still got into the college I wanted to get into. </p>

<p>I mean, nothin can really prepare you for what you do in an ACT test. You can't study for anything. It's just all about situational things like timing and different test taking techniques. </p>

<p>A tutor is probably the best option. I know people who had tutors scored higher than what they would've had without one.</p>

<p>i had a tutor for the SAT and didnt do as well as i would have liked. i didnt have a tutor for the ACT and did very well. i wouldnt waste your money on a tutor until youve taken it at least once, since unlike the SAT, you can choose the test date youd like the colleges to see.</p>

<p>I think a tutor would've done me more good. </p>

<p>But you make an excellent point about the cost factor.</p>

<p>I have Kaplan, and it seems to me that the English section (on the practice test) is a lot easier.
Maybe I am using a better strategy...got a 27 on the Eng. on the Dec. ACT and I got a 31 on my practice.</p>