<p>Hi guys! Sorry if I asked this in the wrong section; I'm new here.
I'm looking to get a MBA- Masters in Business Association. Since I am a resident of Texas, I had been planning on going to the University of Texas at Austin- McComb's School of Business. However, I'm really interested in going to a university in Hawaii.</p>
<p>I've researched several universities in Hawaii, but I've had mixed results. Some people say that Hawaiian universities are the best ones you can attend, but others complain about the teachers (saying statements like "they don't even know what they're teaching", etc.) and at the same time, many of the universities (not just in Hawaii, but in general) don't offer BBA programs. Also, jobs are scarce in America, so I would like to be able to graduate from a university feeling somewhat confident that I will be able to get a job quickly after.</p>
<p>I know I could live in Hawaii after I graduate from college, but I would really like to go to college there as well. If I can't, that's fine, but if you can provide information that could help me it would be really great! :)</p>
<p>Thank you!</p>