<p>Here's the deal, I used to be a straight-A student. Freshman year until Sophomore year I got straight A's. Sophomore year I took AP Bio and lots of honors and accel. courses as well.</p>
<p>Then I got an 88% 2nd semester sophomore year in math.</p>
<p>Then I got 4 B's 1st semester junior year (3 APs, 1 Hon). I'm expecting 2 B's this semester. See, this is where the real problem is. I admit it, I was lazy, and my procrastinating tendencies did not work to my benefit.</p>
<p>I wanted to go to Berkeley. Obvious it's not going to happen for me. But i worked really hard the rest of my time in school. What are some reasonable choices for me?</p>
<p>If I get straight 5's on all my AP tests and get a good SAT score and good SAT II scores do I have a chance for a school like UCLA? Thanks.</p>