What are some good colleges that DO count your freshman GPA?

<p>Here's the deal, I used to be a straight-A student. Freshman year until Sophomore year I got straight A's. Sophomore year I took AP Bio and lots of honors and accel. courses as well.</p>

<p>Then I got an 88% 2nd semester sophomore year in math.</p>

<p>Then I got 4 B's 1st semester junior year (3 APs, 1 Hon). I'm expecting 2 B's this semester. See, this is where the real problem is. I admit it, I was lazy, and my procrastinating tendencies did not work to my benefit.</p>

<p>I wanted to go to Berkeley. Obvious it's not going to happen for me. But i worked really hard the rest of my time in school. What are some reasonable choices for me?</p>

<p>If I get straight 5's on all my AP tests and get a good SAT score and good SAT II scores do I have a chance for a school like UCLA? Thanks.</p>

<p>Why would you give up Berkeley already? If your SAT + SAT II scores are indeed good and with straight 5’s, it can speak for the ‘difficulty’ of the courses. Of course those 5’s speak of how ‘easy’ it should have been for you to get A’s in those classes… shame. As long as your cumulative is above or around a 3.75 dont give up on Berkeley.</p>

<p>All the ivies except princeton look at freshman grades. However, a downward trend still isn’t very good.</p>

<p>Any besides Ivies? I’m pretty hopeless there, lol. And I know a downward trend isn’t good. I’m trying to make it a half-upward trend by getting only 2 B’s instead of 4.</p>

<p>And 2 of my B’s last semester were 88%s as well, so they weren’t low B’s. But unfortunately that doesn’t matter.</p>