<p>Finals darn! Residence too noisy to concentrate and study. Suggestions for quiet places to read appreciated.</p>
<p>um… one of the million libraries on campus?</p>
<p>study rooms in covel or sproul</p>
<p>LIBRARIES, English Reading Room (basically a library), study lounge on the bottom floor of DeNeve if you live in DeNeve or Dykstra, study rooms if available to you, sometimes outside like at the sculpture garden…</p>
<p>yessssssssss i’m done with finals</p>
<p>I highly recommend the Anderson Business School’s Management Library.</p>
<p>YRL and Law are good too.</p>
<p>I agree, Anderson Management Library. Westwood library on Glendon is okay too if you don’t mind being away from campus.</p>
<p>Tom Bradley rooms are usually empty, but not sure on finals week.</p>
<p>Still , it is better than any library or study lounges</p>
<p>last night ackerman ballroom was open late. i left at 2am and it was still open</p>
<p>Anderson Management Library is the worst place to study finals week. Its full of chattering business students and its very hard to study–and their moronic “study rooms” are four walls with no roof, rendering them useless if they (or anyone outside) wants some quiet. I recommend YRL, its usually quiet. The only problem is that there are occasionally frightening homeless people who like to stare at you, and the third floor is set on frozen, so avoid that.</p>