What are some negatives for Purdue?

<p>I'm going into nuclear engineering and I have a list of about 12 colleges right now. I want to reduce the list to 8 or 9. So I want to find out some negatives on each college to help narrow it down. I can find positives for Purdue all day long. Its the negatives I can't find easily. So what are some negatives?</p>

<p>I'd also appreciate any advice if you care to give any.</p>

<p>O and I am OOS... just for the record.</p>

<p>M/F ratio sucks for guys, creates an odd atmosphere on campus.</p>

<p>Very “techie”, not as social as rest of Big Ten</p>

<p>It’s in the middle of nowhere</p>

<p>Not a particulary attractive campus</p>

<p>Non-Engineering programs are rather lackluster</p>

<p>Very Conservative</p>

<p>Otherwise, it’s a great option, especially for aspiring engineers. Good luck in your search!!!</p>

<p>OHKID, that was my exact experience 25 years ago. Purdue is a big ag school, heavily attended by fairly conservative Indiana natives. The social scene then was dominated by the Greeks which created a very distinct caste system. For the dorm-dweller it was hopelessly boring.</p>

<p>Again, this was 25 years ago. But I’d definitely look into the social dynamics on campus carefully. I left after one year for Wisconsin, the best decision I ever made.</p>

<p>well I am conservative so thats a good thing.</p>

<p>M/F ratio sucks at every engineering school…</p>

<p>Social scene seems threatening.</p>

<p>If you want hardcore engineering, yes, the ratio will suck. Good luck with online dating :)</p>

<p>Anyways, U Illinois, along with many other large state Uni’s such as Penn State, Ohio State, U Michigan, Iowa, Northwestern, etc. don’t have this problem simply due to their large course offerings. However, I have read in Princeton Review that IU girls like Purdue guys, so maybe y’all will strike some luck there.</p>

<p>The social life isn’t really that bad… You can find stuff to do and parties will be going on literally everywhere… It isn’t hard to go to parties at fraternities either, however some houses do set the ratio rule. However, when you just be social yourself in the beginning of the year then you should be set with making friends anywhere and going to frat. parties and enjoying the good ole West Lafayette.</p>

<p>Girls go to IU, and pigs to Purdue</p>

<p>Does this mean a girl who isn’t physically attractive? If so, why would you be so cruel as to call anyone that? You are entitled to say whatever you would like - but I am certain that you are a more considerate person than what that statement would lead one to believe. There are many, many girls at Purdue - and all of those I have met have been both smart and attractive in some way. I know quite a few physically attractive girls as well.</p>

<p>I actually know alot of attractive girls who go to Purdue. Look at the girls who aren’t in the greek life and the ones that are. Zetas, DZ’s, Tri Delts, Alpha Phi’s, AChiO. they are all very attractive. then theres other houses like DG, Thetas. There are actually even quite a good number of hot female engineers…</p>

<p>Settle down it was a joke jeez. Dont take offense if you are unattractive girl, it was just a joke my dad told me from when he was there.</p>

<p>well it seems I have to join a frat to have any sort of social life huh?</p>

<p>You don’t have to. Just make friends and most of them will most likely join fraternities. You may even have some female friends who will know quite a few brothers at different houses. You may have friends who have an apartment and may be having something going down once a week or so. It doesn’t revolve around fraternities, but most parties that I know usually are all fraternities since I’m also in a fraternity also.</p>

<p>I know a bunch of people who go to Purdue. Not all of them are involved in Greek life but a lot of them are. They are a very large part of the socail scene there. My cousin is in APhi, and I have another one in Chi O. If the Greeks don’t seem like your thing, join a co-op. I have a friend in the Gemini co-op and he loves it. Or if you’re not really into that, there are a multitude of clubs that you can join on campus. And the sports draw a large following/social scene as well.</p>

<p>You must be happy to have a cousins in Alpha Phi and AChiO…</p>

<p>The surrounding area sucks… you quickly run out of things to do… lecturers who come can be interesting (The Dalai Lama, Bill Ayres came a few days ago…) </p>

<p>Indiana is the most boring state though… Chicago is the closest, most interesting place. </p>

<p>Big sports school, especially basketball.</p>

<p>About the frats - there is an engineering frat with a house on campus Theta Tau. They have parties and girls - my husband said that he loved it there.</p>


<p>Theres also Triangle Fraternity which is across from Beering Hall towards campus and all engineers.</p>

<p>can you go to a frat party without being in the frat?</p>

<p>Yes, though it will depend on the party and who you know. Girls get in easier.</p>