What are some northeastern, laid-back boarding schools

My cousin is considering different boarding schools. He has very good grades and is about to start the eighth grade, so he would enroll in about a year.
From what we have heard, schools such as Exeter and Andover have a very intense and cutthroat environment. Obviously, he and his parents are interested in going to a school with good academics, but if it comes at the expense of mental health. He also has a strong preference for the Northeastern region.
It is worth mentioning that he is not particularly athletic and would be reluctant to go somewhere focused on sport.
He is looking at:

  • Choate
  • Deerfield
  • Hotchkiss
  • Groton
  • Lawrenceville
  • Milton
  • St. Paul’s
  • Groton
  • Middlesex
  • Loomis Chafee
  • Episcopal
    Any information on these or other schools would be appreciated. Additionally, please mention as far as you know about their dress codes and Saturday classes.

I completely understand what you mean when you talk about a “cutthroat” environment but I think it’s important you thoroughly research the other top schools on your list. Practically all the schools on your list are rigorous in terms of academics and on the same level as Andover/Exeter. I do think some of the schools on your list are well-rounded which is good. I implore your cousin to add safety schools to his list because even people with the best stats can get rejected. Also, can you explain what you heard from people about andover/exeter’s culture?

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I did the summer program at Lawrenceville, and I know a ton of people that go there. It is just as high stress at Andover and Exeter. There are Saturday classes that you have to attend. My TA told me everyone would be up at 12 doing homework.

I would take a look at NMH. It checks all the boxes. It’s very relaxed, but the academics are very good.

This thread is very helpful and would highly recommend checking it out.

I’m going to second these responses. I don’t see a school on that list that I’d call laid back.

Take a look at some of these in comparison:

New Hampton

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Define “laid back”.

For one person that could mean no class ranking, for another it could mean everyone’s mellow (hopefully on a natural high).

Since the kid isn’t interested in athletics, what is he interested in?

Academically strong, but students do not try to one-up one another.

He prefers history and English but also does well with STEM

Your cousin needs to create his own account. Other than parents and guardians, asking on behalf of others is not allowed. Closing.

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