I love mathematics. I’ve got nothing to do this summer besides an art class. What are some resources to help me learn precalculus? I wouldn’t mind an online summer school course, but it can’t be that expensive. I’ve tried Kahn Academy, but I don’t like their videos.
I’m also interested in programming and physics if you have any ideas for that as well.
Bump. Would like some ideas ASAP so I don’t waste my summer. Lol.
Tbh if you haven’t taken trig yet, just go through a trig textbook. It’s pretty straight forward
@Herokid11 Trig is was included in my geometry class. We also did the Unit Circle at the very end of the year.
My kids did Thinkwell on line. Price is reasonable and the classes were well prepared.
I recommend AoPS they have math classes there is a pre-cal class they also have pythons classes
@equationlover how extensively was it covered? In my geometry class we only did basic calculations with the 6 basic trig functions. Are you capable of graphing all 6 basic functions? Know the trig identities? Double and half angle formulas?
@ThinkOn @mbenitez1201 @Herokid11 Would it be too late to start the class now?
I only have 5 full weeks until school starts for me. I don’t think that’s enough time to fully master it. I would like to take AP calc BC my senior year, but my school requires AB calc as a prerequisite. Therefore, if I continue with my math track now, I will only be able to take AB calc. Is it risky to take calc 1 over the summer before my senior year, so I can take AP Calculus BC? (Does calc BC cover just Calc 1 and 2?)
Switching from a CC class to an AP class would make it not as odd on my college transcript, because these CC classes count as DE. Would it look weird on a college transcript to have taken calc 2, for example, twice (one at CC and one at a four year?)
Do they have Java programming or a physics course on there?
@Herokid11 Our class went really fast because we had very few kids, so we spent a whole month on the Unit Circle. We did trigonometry identites pretty extensively. However, we did not go over the double and half angle formulas, and I only know how to graph the waves of sine and cosine with transitions, but not the rest of them.
@equationlover what grade are you in now? I took calculus 2 over the summer at a CC and it was easy but the professor slacked on the class tbh
@Herokid11 I am going into junior year. I had to double up on my math sophomore year to even be able to have the opportunity to take AP calc AB. For taking calc 1 over the summer, it would be between my junior/senior year summer. I’m not sure if that’s the best idea though, because that’s often the summer where you get the best opportunity for HS internships and camps.
I want to major in engineering with a possible physics double major.
Well I don’t go to a top college and my high school was pretty laxed if I’m being honest. So I can’t say other than my opinion, but I think a college would rather you have some technical internship and completed calc AB rather than just completing calc BC. What is the problem with just taking AB your junior year and BC your senior year? Or just taking calc 1 and 2 as DE classes over your junior year and finishing calculus 3 and Differential Equations your senior year? In my opinion CC Calc > AP calc but miles will very depending on schools
The thing is I’m supposed to be taking precalc this year though, which is why I can only be in AP calc AB if I don’t do calc 1 over the summer before senior year. I don’t think I have enough time to self-study precalc now.
@Herokid11 But you are right, that would look better. However, I also have in-school internship opportunities through a special program my senior year.
Like I mentioned above, I’m a bit worried about the CC credit transfer because if I did decide to retake calc 2 at 4-year college, it would look weird on my college transcript to have taken calc 2 twice.
I would go to the CC that you can DE at and ask to take a placement test to jump straight into calc 1 (from what you said to me you’ll probably be able to take the pert or something and take it) worse case scenario they’ll say you need to take precalculus. However in college classes are only a semester long so you would be able to take precalculus for one semester, then calc 1 this spring, calc 2 next fall, calc 3 next spring. I’m just saying if you wanna do it that way
@Herokid11 the pre-calc classes at the CC are the only math classes that aren’t a semester long.
They want you to have a good foundation I think. Well, thank you!