What are some realistic fits for me with my stats?

<p>I'm currently a junior who lives in Illinois.</p>

<p>Classes (I'm only listing academic ones)</p>

<p>Freshman year:
Honors Physics PCB - A both semesters
Honors History of World Civilizations - A both semesters
Honors Freshman English - A both semesters
Advanced Algebra - A both semesters
Honors French 2 - A both semesters</p>

<p>Sophomore year:
Honors Sophomore English: B both semesters
Honors French 3: B, then A
Pre-Calculus - A then B
Honors Chemistry PCB - B both semesters
Sociology - 1 semester, A
Brain Studies - 1 semester, A</p>

<p>cumulative UW: 3.7 (estimate)</p>

<p>Junior year course load:
Honors Junior English
Honors French 4
AP US History
AP Calc AB
Honors Bio PCB
Honors Consumer Education 1st semester, Public Speaking the 2nd
My gym counts towards my academic GPA too - It's honors gym</p>

<p>Predicted Senior year course load:
AP Psych
AP Stats
AP Bio or Chem
AP French or French 5 if it's offered
Honors English: College Writing and Literature
I'd love to be a senior peer group leader if I can (you have to apply) - not academic though
Early bird gym to make it all fit</p>

<p>I haven't actually taken the ACT yet - I'm waiting until I can take a prep course at my school first. My PLAN test predicted a 28-30, but that's without any prep courses or workbooks.</p>

<p>My school doesn't rank, nor does it give percentiles. I'd estimate top 25%, maybe 15%, but I really have no idea.</p>

<p>Extra curricular activities:
Erika's Lighthouse club - 9th-now, hopefully a leadership position this year
PAWS animal club 9, 11 - couldn't do it last year b/c of a schedule conflict
French National Honors society - Inducted end of last year, and I'll be in it until I graduate
Volunteering at an after school center for kids: 3:30 to 6 a couple days a week - end of sophomore year, hoping to continue through senior year
Job as an assistant at an orthodontist's office a couple days a week, same hours as volunteering position - beginning of this school year, I'm hoping to keep it until college starts as I really like it.</p>

<p>Intended major: I'm probably going to double major no matter where I go, probably in the field of biological/biomedical/neurological sciences. Bioengineering also is a contender.</p>

<p>Size: I'm not really sure, I guess I'd like a bigger college because they usually can offer more in depth majors. </p>

<p>Setting: A good college town would be great. A city would be cool but isn't necessary, and I'd prefer not to be in the middle of nowhere.</p>

<p>Co-ed is a must, greek life is preferred but not something I need.</p>

<p>Am I forgetting anything?</p>

<p>Any and all help is greatly appreciated, thank you so much</p>

<p>Have you tried CC’s SuperMatch?</p>

<p>UIC: Safety
UIUC: Low match/Match (high match for bioengineering)</p>

<p>Thebeatlestoday: I have, but I wanted input from actual people
Catria: Thanks, I’m glad I have a chance at UIUC :)</p>

<p>Does anyone have any thoughts about schools outside of Illinois? Private or Public doesn’t matter.</p>