What are some unique classes your schools offer?

Just wondering. The only one that seems distinctive at my school is Shakespeare, in which mythology is also taught.

Well, they kick you out of the building if you have a hole in your schedule. So there’s that.

^ ???

The life planning class spends a whole unit studying the board game Life.


Yeah, my school has no study hall because… I don’t know why. So they just kick kids out of the building.

Interesting classes… Well there’s Life Planning, in which every year during 3rd quarter there is a plethora of “flour babies” being taken care of by students (in fact, it’s happening right now. The teachers get angry because students are always distracted by the fake babies).

Then there’s Shakespeare Studies, where you basically read Shakespearean texts. And World Religions, where you learn about any of the following: Christianity, Islam, Judiasm, Jainism, Taoism, Sikhism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Baha’i Faith.

Also, my school is one of the only in the county that offers a class called Geospatial Analysis, a college-credit course where you basically do science research and present it to staff at James Madison University.

My school also has shakespeare as well as a seperate Myths class. They also have Strange Lit, which is like edgar allan poe and mystery books and stuff. Theres a intro to film class where you mainly watch movies and the history of film.

All of those classes are a language arts class that juniors who aernt taking AP Lang get to take for a semester in addition to applications of Composition.

My school also teaches Big History which i took last year.

Fashion marketing, sports medicine, peer mentoring, sociology, criminal justice, philosophy, and world religions.

Life skills, applied health (like sports medicine), film analysis, print media, fashion design, interior design, gourmet foods (really fancy stuff), video game design, 2D & 3D animation, spanish literature, global relations, world religions, AV class, fashion merchandising, I think that’s it. With upwards of 4,000 kids, there’s gotta be something for everyone, I guess.

AP Music Theory, Yearbook Theory, Pennsylvania Heritage (lol),

Our history department has a class that focuses on the Holocaust for the first semester and the Rwandan genocide for the second semester. I am not sure what the name of it is but we just call it ‘‘Genocide 101’’

My school offers Combating Intolerance.

My school has awesome classes!

Paper Engineering
Global Feminism
Senior Art Show
Children’s Book Making
Adolescent Identity
Bash the Trash (Making beats with garbage)
Psychology of Dictators
Fairy Tales
Design a Zoo
Physics of Super Heroes
Engine Building
Wall Street
Saving Oysters in the Bay

And you know what’s crazy? None of these are for elective credit! Design a Zoo gives you a physical science credit. Fairytales gives you an English credit.

Biotechnology, IB Philosophy, IB Theory of Knowledge, IB World Religions, Forensics, ASL, Graphic Design, Fashion Design and History, Stage Tech, Mythology, Sports Psychology, Sociology, Kinesiology/Sports Medicine, Virtual Enterprise, Retail Market, Accounting, Computer Animation, First Aid, Medical Terminology, Athletic Training, and some off campus CTE courses like Auto Technology, Welding, Nurse Assistant, and Child Care Occupations.

But these are just electives so you don’t get any special credit for them. That’s why many people don’t take them at my school. Mostly when you’re trying to keep your class rank up. (Except the IB ones.)

You guys are all lucky. The farthest my school goes is having a YMCA down the road for when you get kicked out :frowning:

These past few years my school started some pretty neat classes.

Film Study
Speech and Debate
3D Animation
Data Science

My school has ROP classes, which are basically work training classes (not all are specifically for people who aren’t going to college, some of them relate to medical fields and such). Many ROP classes are off campus or heavily based around internships.
Some, but not even all ROPs (I don’t know if all of them are presently available but they’re on the course list):
Floral Design and Sales
Graphic Design
Retail Careers
Restaurant Careers
Dental Assistant
Emergency Medical Responder
Sports Medicine
3D Model Making
Forensic Science

We have an automotive academy program too, but I don’t know much about it. Another program we (apparently) have but I’m unfamiliar with is the Early Childhood Education academy. I’m only a freshman and the school is huge, so I’m just going off of our course listing, which is iffy on accuracy.

Marine Ecology
Anatomy and Physiology
College and Career Planning (mandatory semester course)

We also have a surf team and some sort of skateboarding thing.

There used to be a course called “Academic Competition Class”, here’s an except from the course listing: “The fall semester will feature studies centered on Science and Communication, covering Science, Mathematics, Speech, Interview, and Essay. The spring semester concentrates on Greek Civilization, and the History of Literature, Music, Art and Western Civilization, along with an additional special topic, varying from year to year.”

Most of these are electives.
Technical Theater
Advanced Production
A bunch of different art classes (ceramics, graphic design, digital imaging, sculpture, to name a few)
Seminar in Modern Political Theory (Honors, but it’s the only version of the class?)
The World at War, 1900-1950
Wars and Peace, 1950 and Beyond
Postmodern America since 1968
Global Issues since 1945: Asia
Global Issues since 1945: The Non-Asian World
Environmental History since 1800
Introduction to Archeology
Anatomy and Physiology
Engineering A/B
Computer Engineering

These are the ones that really stood out to me.

@SirSly you guys learn about Jainism in your course? That’s a first. I’m Jain and the only reason people even know about my religion is because I go to a school that’s 86% Asian, so there are 15-20 Jains in the school (of 2200 people).

Uhhh… My school doesn’t really have any unique courses. Ethnic Studies, I guess? We used to offer a dance elective course, but nobody took it so there isn’t one anymore. I think we do have a Team Sports elective, though (not PE credit). We have Peer Resource, which provides peer counseling and also tries to make the school happier and stress-free.

We have like, four choirs: Concert Choir, Chamber Chorale, Treble Ensemble, and Musical Theater. We have Finite/Discrete math. We also have computer animation.

Here are some unique classes at my high school:
Multivariable Calculus
Organic Chemistry (soon/1 semester)
Introduction to Engineering Design
Principles of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Social Entrepreneurship
Medical Ethics
Freshmen Seminar