<p>Yh,, I was just wondering, the only thing I know of those, is that there are like some weird group that students join, only one that comes to mind is the legally blond one. Anyways, are those any good for anything? Like are they accepted by Unis</p>
<p>the liberal arts system in america makes it harder for students to make friends, as every students takes different classes. when you join a fraternity or a sorrority, you automatically join a group of boys/girls--potential friends. Their main goal is making friends, finding girlfriends or boyfriends in parties. All of them have some rituals and their members greet each ther by saying brother or sister respectively. Most of them are useless except making friends and drinking. Some of them join a special group of students: the most hardworking students, the most successul students in sport etc. These are better, as they provide you special kind of friends. However, to get in these ones you have to receive an invitation. For other types, you don't need that. Most of the universities allow them to exist, some of them don't, as they are against the equality between men and women (Frater and Sorror). </p>
<p>Phi Betta Kappa is the most famous one in America and connects the most successful students at colleges.</p>
<p>Fraternities have two greek letters. Sororities have three. PBK and PTK are NOT sororities and ARE honor societies.</p>
<p>renix: this is not true. I know frats like Alpha Epsilon Kappa etc.
yeah, but this is kind of a frat,too. What is Skulls and Bones then? It's a co-ed frat/sorr. or whatever you say.</p>
<p>No. Skull and Bones is a secret society, one of the many at Yale.</p>
<p>Well, basically, in a frat, you drink, smoke, and have sex. End of story.</p>
<p>These Yale secret societies are not that secret really.</p>
<p>renix: frats and sororities have a varying number of letters; some have none (Acacia, all English letters), while others have as many as nine. There are many three letter fraternities around; Phi Beta Sigma, Alpha Phi Alpha and Beta Theta Pi are just a few.
A larger list can be found here:
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_fraternities_and_sororities%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_social_fraternities_and_sororities</a></p>
Most of the universities allow them to exist, some of them don't, as they are against the equality between men and women (Frater and Sorror).
I don't think that's true. Didn't many colleges ban frats from their campus because of hazing and excessive drinking issues?</p>
Well, basically, in a frat, you drink, smoke, and have sex. End of story.
<p>Yeah. Fraternities and sororities = alcohol + sex + snobbishness. </p>
<p>disclaimer: mostly.</p>
<p>cut out the snobbishness and i'm in!</p>
<p>on 2nd thoughts, no...i wouldn't like to spend 4 years living like van wilder!</p>
<p>you're going to harvard, yoiu'll be a snob anyway, by the time you're out.</p>
<p>no. i PROMISE. NEVER! NO!!! NEVERRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! NOOOOOOOooooooo....<em>breaks down</em></p>
<p>Oh yes you will. And you'll call it Haahvaaahd like everyone else does, anyway. :p</p>
<p>Yes, and you'll acquire The Haahvaaahd Accent, and become even MORE unbearable, hard as that may seem. :<</p>
<p>I stand corrected, however...PTK is NOT a fraternity or sorority...maintaining my original point.</p>
<p>you'll sound like bertrand russell lolz</p>
<p>Hey Curly, the vB code works like that: MORE :D</p>
<p>I have an interesting anecdote.</p>
<p>I was talking to my neighbor last night who was telling me how much her daughter enjoyed her first year of college; how she had had the best time of her life; and how she was crying that it would never be the same again.</p>
<p>So I asked, "Isn't she going to be with all those friends next year?"
To which her mother answered, "No, because they have all pledged different sororities, so they are all going to be split up."</p>
<p>And I thought sororities and frats were to make friendships, not split them up! Silly me!</p>
<p>(By the way, to get into some sororities, you have to have several letters of recommendations from "sisters" who have graduated, e.g., friends of your mother's...It's not all about choice; it's about who will take you)</p>
<p>Yeah, I know, I was just distracted while writing that, barium. And I think it's BB code :P.</p>