<p>Well I've already bought the Barron's series for AP Physics B and calculus BC and economics... (self-study)</p>
<p>I don't feel the need to borrow or use a textbook for economics but for physics B and calc BC, I think a textbook will certainly help me clarify and enhance some of the understanding.</p>
<p>I've heard that the brown tan book by james stewart Name: "Single Variable Caclulus" (I think that was what it was called!) was the best for calc BC.</p>
<p>Any other suggestions?</p>
<p>And for physics B... many have recommended Serway's and Giovancolli's. But then when you read the reviews on Amazon.com, the comments vary so much! Its realli difficult to choose one... </p>
<p>So now I ask you. What textbook is the best for physics B and calc BC?</p>
<p>Well for maths, I also heard that Apostols text is superior as well as James Stewart's textbooks. But according to the review, it suggested that Stewart = easy and Apostol is a hard lvl book and Stewart book is more than enuff to get a 5 on the calc BC exam.</p>
<p>I have no problem at all studying using a harder text, in fact it'll be more challenging and fun. But as I am studying by myself, I want a book which has clear easy to understand explanations.</p>
<p>Does Apostol meet my requirements?
(Or how is the clarity of explanation compared to Stewarts books...)</p>
<p>Thanks 4 the reply.</p>
<p>And resnick halliday walker for physics rite?
Any more comments about the physics B books?</p>
<p>tlqkf2002, do not use Apostols for AP Calculus. First, the text was not made for an AP course. Second, the book is written at a much higher level than what is required of the AP course; not to mention it was published in 60's so it is not as user-friendly as modern texts. Stick to Stewarts or Larson. I used Larson and got a 5. Since there are mixed reviews about every calculus text (and most other popular texts), you should borrow one before spending $130.</p>