What are the AP tests that can't be taken in the same year?

<p>I was just wondering what are the AP tests that can't be taken in the same year?</p>

<p>I don’t think there are any restrictions on this</p>

<p>the only restriction i know of is that AP Calc AB and AP Calc BC cannot be taken the same year</p>

<p>i think there is more like can’t take two physics or two APCS tests in the same year?</p>

<p>Actually, AP Physics C REQUIRES the taking of two AP tests (if I recall the schedule, one in the AM and one in the PM) for mechanics and electricity/magnetism, respectively.</p>

<p>The two levels of calc, phys and CS</p>

<p>So it’s only for calc, physics and computer science?</p>

<p>On CB’s AP schedule, they have some tests grouped under the same time. For example, does the fact that English language and German language are both under 8am May 6th mean that you cannot take both tests? I’ve gotten the impression that AP tests tend to be about 3 hours long, so I don’t see how both can fit between 8 and noon.</p>

<p>Even though they are supposed to be scheduled at the same time, arrangements can be made to take one of those at a different time. I know that this is the case with one of my friends this yr (but not for those subjects). I agree with the people above. The only restrictions are on physics, calc, and computer science (two of which I am taking this yr, and physics C that I will be taking next yr)</p>