What are the best ACT prep materials?

Hello, and thank you in advance for any comments I may receive. Are the released ACT practice tests accurate? Also, what are the best prep materials for the ACT?

After I went through the Red Book, it raised my score from 28 to 32. Now I’m planning on buying the ACT premium from the princeton review, hoping for a 34 :slight_smile:

Thank you for the suggestions! I hope you reach your 34! :slight_smile:


Amasco MAth and science is good for math. Consistantly get 34+ from 30s. English I liked erica meltzer. Reading and science are 2 beasts I have yet to tame. Got 31c freshman year hoping for 33+

Red book, Black book and Erica Meltzer reading book and released ACT tests were enough for my S to score 35 in his first attempt as a junior.