What are the chances that Cal-Berkeley...

<p>What are the chances that Cal-Berkeley will admit both my boyfriend and I as transfer students from the same CC?
I plan to major in Integrative Biology
and he plans to major in chemical biology.
We will both strive for straight A's (maybe a few B's)
and we will be in many Extra-Curriculars.
What are the chances that we will both get in from the same CC?</p>

<p>There’s simply no way to know. But I hope you’re not hanging your educational future on where your boyfriend ends up.</p>

<p>[University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“http://statfinder.ucop.edu%5DUniversity”>http://statfinder.ucop.edu) can help you look up stats for admitted students at Berkeley and other UCs.</p>

<p>Thank you UCBalumnus! :)</p>

<p>& @lasma, my boyfriend and I are applying to the same schools to stay together. :)</p>

<p>& one of those schools is UC Berkeley. :):heart: Him and I will get in! I hope!</p>